Not One OfThose Things Again

What do Fred Savage, Mega Man, and the Fonz all have in common? I sure as hell don’t know, but they’re all in this random thing set to randomness-assness music. Linkage via Zach De La Roachclip

It kind of reminds me of the bestest random thing ever, Howard Dean style… which is basically the official sequel to All Your Base Are Belong To Us. And o course, much love to Fight ! Kikkoman. If you play all four of those links at one time, you get something similar to the Flaming Lips’eses 4 CD experiment known as Zairkeeka. You’re supposed to play all 4 CDs at the same time. Too bad I only have 3 CD players. Dangit.

God bless you Al Gore and your invention!!

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