
Did you catch last night’s episode of Six Feet Under? If not, get a life and click on this really stoopid picture. Anywho, sheet just keep getting better. First off, was that Kitty Farmer from Donnie Darko who got offed at the beginning and then got Nate off in his dreams? Well, sometimes I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion. And how bout the BJ David got from the plumber, eh? Maybe in the future they’ll have a crossover with The Sopranos and that one really fat Italian dude will lick his mushroom in a construction site parking lot. The man who’s stealing the show this year is none other than Fisher & Diaz’s apprentice, Arthur Martin. He’s one of the greatest fringe TV characters since Larry’s other brother Darryl on Newhart. And when Babe the pig’s owner was eating Arthur’s monogrammed yogurt, much to his disgust, that wasn’t TV, that was pure HBO! But seriously, what’s Justin Theroux’s deal. He went from having his choice of lesbian hotness in Mulholland Dr to a girl who looks eggzactly like Hedwig or even at The Thinker‘s suggestion, Mary Gross, from the film no one saw, Feds. Judge for YO self…

one gross = 144 too Gross = 288

Bitched @ Swirth?

Post Script – Kevin Spacey beware… Mena “Surfin” Suvari and her 9.6head are going to have a threesome with Claire at some point this season.

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