The Knows Nose
Wanna be cool like that guy, well then buy one! And the scariest part is that someone I know who has used that apparatus and he swears by it. [Link via Zach de la Roachclip]
– The Son of Sam, aka David Berkowitz, has the illest psycho killer blog evs! His favorite movies include Summer of Sam, Seven, and Taxi Driver! And his favorite album of the 90’s was Ice-T’s rap metal pet project, Body Count.
– What’s the only way, former Thighs Wide Darling, Sarah Mish-smells Gellar can get any press these days? By being stalked by lesbians! And what’s the only way Lukas Haas can get any press these days? By being there while Buffy was being stalked by lesbians! Go Lukas!
– It has been a goal of mine to see all of me favorite bands live at least once in my life. I’ll cross Prince off that list in July, and I’m happy to say, Arrested Development too! The “Mr. Wendal” crew will be bringing their tunes for free to Brooklyn’s Brower Park for FREE on July 21st.
– And speaking of FREE… I aint no Metallica fan. Never have been. But I dare you to watch this trailer for a new documentary about em and NOT want to see it FOR FREE (only for you Beantowners, Chi-Townians, D-Rockers, Shangra LA-Lers, Philly Cheesesteakheads, Carmen San Diegoians & Fransicians, DC-hers, and o’ course, The City Folks)! Exit light. Enter night… OK, so I like 1 or 2 of their songs.

Why can’t baseball be more umcredible like Sumo wrastling?
– The market price for eating the tails off of live mice is a whopping $346. But to these two Aussies, it’ll cost em $52,050 each to win that $346.
– A cleaner version of Sex And The Boring is now running on TBS. Now I really don’t ever want to ever watch that crap ever. Quoth the raven, “Nevermore!”
– We all love things that loop over and over. [Link via Tim “Fudger” Altie]
– Wagamama is soon to open in the United Arab Emirates. What, no love for the Yankee dollar?
– And from LL Central, Lindsay Lohan is more of a wordsmith than William Wordsworth: “All of these like voices start saying you’ve to push the button to say what the emergency is; They probably thought that somebody was dying and like bleeding to death.” Like omg! Have anything to add LL Cool Girl? “…it’s so retarded.” Oh Lindsay, I love you for who you are and not for how much your parents beat the crap out of each other!