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– Field Day Festival on for July or August 2005? I’m sure it will get cancelled 10 minutes before the first band is set to go on and thus Andrew Dreskin will have a Failed Day 2 on his hands. And by the weigh, get rid of this ye olde stinkbag website… no one cares what yer next move is.
– It’s a tough time to be named Michael. I should know (although my first name is really Thigh). The most heteroflexible name around is also the title of the most heteroflexible song since Air’s “Sexy Boy”. Damn you Franz Ferdeez-nuts!!! I don’t want to ever hear this phrase coming out of another man’s mouth, “Come all over me, Michael!”
– Bestest/stoopidistist political thing since the Howard Dean remix-eggsplosion: this. [Linka via Navi]
– OK, now forget about Carey and Busch. Let’s get Ditka one step closer to the White Huis. [Link via My Man Marvkus]
– Nuewe Yorkers: Why pay to see M Night Shamalangadingdong’s The Village when you can see it for free? Here’s my guess on how the plot thickens: Unknown forces from forest scare people from Pennsylvania and eventually they have to confront them. The Pencil-vain-ens eventually figure out that the unknown forces have a phobia of rutabagas and run them out of town. And somewhere in there M Nigh Sha-dingdong has a 17 minute cameo.
– More free: The Sugar Hill Gang rocks the South Street Seaport Thursday at 6 pm. I hear they do a 43 minute version of “Rapper’s Delight”. [Heads up via The Biz vs the BJNewms]
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– How come almost a month passed and no one had informed me that Surreal Life: Round 3 was a go until yesterday? It’s peace out to the Double-U-B and hello-mello VHOne. Onboard this go around is the rather impressive line-up of Charo, Dave Coulier, Flava Flav, NKOTBester Jordan Knight, Brigitte Nielsen, and some American Idol finalist douche bag. Unfortunately, none of these housemates were who I had in mind. I can’t believe they passed on The Fat Boys, Poochie, Yakov Smirnoff, the Lohan, and JD Salinger (click for pre-Thigh Master musings)! [Gawd bless you for the knowles-edge Senor Gombiergas]
– Best flea market score evers!
– David Grohl bangs his gong for Nine Inch Nails. Is a Tupac collaboration far behind?
– Please die Clear Channel. Last VV article, I promise!
– Bad Idea Jeans: Fox’s 24-hour reality channel AND Basic Instinct 2.
– And yer headline del dia: Man Jailed for Shooting Off His Testicles.