Lettuce Give HerA Hand… Job
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– Peace the fork out goes to the founder of Gold’s Gym. “Gym? What’s a gym? Oh! A gym!”
– Word on the street is that this guy loves to get intoxicated. And so does this sorta-NSFW cartoon (turn on sound). [Links via Zach de la Roachclip]
– Earlier this week, thanks to Levitticus, me and Ms Megbot checked out a taping of the The Graham Norton Effect. G Nort has got to be one of the funniest and cheekiest mother stickers in the entire world. His guests were Mac Culkin and RuPaul. I thought I Love the 90s was on VH1, not Comedy Central. Anwyho, he gave RuPee a very special deck of G W Bush cards that make a great gift for Labor Day.
– Remember ladies, never let yer b or g-friends take nudie pics of you as they may end up here. [NSFW Link via Tim ‘Going Back to Cali’ Fudgerino]
– I’m foaming at the mouth reading the deetz on Bjork’s next masterthing Medulla, which drops on August 31st.
– Everything you ever wanted to know about Mulholland Dr, but we’re too perplexed to axe.
– And speaking of enigmas, what’s the deal with NJ and not being able to pump yer own gas?
– It’s no Chuck-E-Cheese stizz, but these would also make great Labor Day gifts. [Link via Seltzer with an ‘H’]
– Hurry up NYseers cause this weekend be yo last chance to play the arcade versions of Frogger, Missile Command, Space Invaders, and me personal fav, Tron at the Museum of the Moving Image’s BLIP collection.
– And here’s yer melon-scratching headline for the day: Man Learns He’s Dead, Thanks to Blind Ex-Wife

[Pic love via Navi]
Have a killah weak end peeps. I’m off to see the Purple One in NJ, but maybe we can all meat up at Nathan’s or the batting cages during the Siren Fest. I’ll be the one wearing a trucker hat and an ironic t-shirt. That’s right folks, time 1nce again to break out yer Hipster Bingo cards.