Herbie LoHancockeyed

i could be the world's wurstest photoshopper

– When we last czeched in on H.R.T (Her Royal Thighness), from the set of Herbie: Fully Loaded, she had just been assigned some Lohandlers to keep her from turning into Courtney Love the II (no relation to Davis Love III). Well, according to Defame-her, things have gottens so outta (lo)hand that she may be replaced by rival Hilary Muffdiver, who still won’t shut up about their ‘retarded’ feud.

Peace the fork out Johnny Ramone. Lets just say the 2000s haven’t been kind to the Ramone clan.

– Candy corn is already on sale. And at 79 cent a bag, I could be Louie Anderson gynormus by Hollow-Ween. Please, someone has got get all Nurse Ratched on my azz before this gets any worserer. Damn you Brach’s.

– British? Own a cell phone? Click here.

McG must be destroyed.

Driver Motors Wrong Way for 18 Miles. Sounds like the title of an album by two young quasi-lesbian Russian girls.

– The word ‘assassin’ has two asses.

– And is it just me and my thighs or has everyone gone Switched At Birth crazy lately? Czech out Ashlee Simpson’s long lost twin or how bout deadman Bernie and lucky to be alive Roy? Well, to tide you all over, here’s a half-a$$ed version of Bitched @ Swirth…

Lee Iacocca Puffs

ones who flew over the cuckoo's nest for a hr puff n stuff

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