Our Flaming LipsCannot Be Sealed
The Fiery Furnaces with White Magic
Bowery Ballroom – September 25
Donny & Marie Osmond. Karen & Richard Carpenter. Eleanor & Matthew Friedberger. Which of these brother-sister musical combos isn’t like the other? Let me axe you a butter question, which of these sibling sensations rocked the rizzle roof off the Bowery Ballroom this past Saturday night, in front of yers drooly, the Dog of Landers + 498 other beautifullofit people? I’ll give you a hint, it’s the duo whose last name sounds like they were the focus of a Capturing The documentary. The Friedbergers are the pimps behind the wheels of one of the mostest uniqueness bands I’ve heard in a wrong time: The Fiery Furnaces. If you haven’t picked up their exotic 2nd album, Blueberry Boat, you’ve missed out on one of the breastest releases of this year. [Note: The Double Fs are like microwaved tuna, an acquired taste listen that won’t agree with everyone’s palette… especially if you have no taste.]

I was eagerly awaiting to see how their tongue-tying lyrics and whimsical circus-like smorgasbord of sound would translate into a live performance and to my udder delight, they was berry very amazinglyumcredibleisticali (btw, that’s the new CrazySexyCool)! Sure, any good ‘F’ band from Fugazi to Franz Federline can replicate their sound purrfectly on stage, but it takes a certain (alec) geniusness to take yer entire oeuvre, flip it on its head (yes, songs have heads) and re-mix it into a hour + medley of majestic manic madness that left me munching for more!! The Friedbergers, along with their rabid stick-man Andy Knowles and synthesizersoother Toshi Yano, kept the energy level and toe tappinin at such an absolute maximum overdrive, from start to finnish furniture, that no one even dared to mcnabb a second beer or see a man about a horse, or a whore for that matter. The White Stripes may be the breastest fake brother-sister duo in music today, but the Fiery Fs are the ultimate warrior breastestness real bro-sis one-two punch in our known solar system. And I think I’m gonna have to toss aside Ms Lohan cause I’m starting to swoon for Eleanor F… not to be confused with Axel F.
Other notes:
– The White Magic’s music and singing seem like they should eggsist in separate bands. And, although their lead singer resembles Sissy Spacek, I’d still like to eat pecan waffles off her body and play hours of Othello with her.
– Couzin Dan-o, who shares the same appetite for destruction of the human stomach as I do, recommended the vodka pizza at Pomodoro for pre-show eats, and after shoving it down my pie hole, I have to highly recommend it too.
– The JMZ subway line has gotta be the mostest worthless in all of NYC.
Further Reading: NYThymes, Pitchspork Media, and Latin Inches