Cropp, In The Name of Love
– Linda W. Cropp is the new Hitler. But maybe DC’s better off without baseball anyway. That way I can go back to being a hater and the city can go back to being Skins Country.
– Oh crap, if I ever want to win Her Former Royal Thighness’ heart back, I better get meself a car! I’m thinking she’d love to roll around town in a pimped-out LeCar. But she probably doesn’t have time for me anymore since her debut album hit #4 on Billboard’s chart! Wow? Who knew that so many Americans had such little taste! And many of you have sent this to me and I’m sure you’ve seen it all over the internets anywhoitz, but here u goes: Lohan Got Some Big Ole Tittties (NSFW).
– Lisa Marie to sell off Elvis’ name and image for around 100mil. I’ll sell my name and image for 50 bucks if anyone wants it. [via The Medicine Man]
– Paris ‘too lazy‘ to have sex.
– Albarn & Coxon perform in the same place and the same night, but not together.
– Paul Mc may use a Les Paul, be he may also use Lee’s Press On Nails too!
– Boo.
– And the first Oscar of 2005 goes to…
– After last week’s touching piece, Steve Hartman has returned to lameland. The guy is like the Jimmy Fallon of news reporting.
– Tickets already on sale for The Twin Peaks Fest. With a few weddings next summer, I may have to wait til 2006.
– The eye in the sky is a perv. [via Sistah Sistah]
– Make McDonald’s filet-o-fish right in yer own kitchen. Microwaved fish? Forking dissssssssgusting! [via Ask Yaz]
– I don’t think my sister would have been able to live in any age prior to WWI. The stench would have killed her.
– Get yer ‘I Heart Fags’ ashtrays right here! [via Popbitch]
– For the last time, I DON’T want a Redskins Christmas stocking with John Smith’s name on it. We broke up ages ago and you people juss won’t let it die.
– And to close up shoppe for the day, I juss wanna say that despite all the hotties than inhabit The O.C. and my wet dreams, me thinks me mos flavorite character and actor on the show has gots to be Caleb/Alan Dale (not this Alan Dale). The dude owns and forks everything. Plus I’d bone any of his offspring and stepchildren (and maybe him too). Not only that but he looks like the lovechild of that ultra creepy guy from Beverly Hills Cop The I and that ultra creepy German dude named Udo. Anywho, can you bee-leave C-Love/Alan to the mutter fudging D once had hair? Here’s the proof Ruth!