Let The Sparks Fly
I’m in no mood today, so everything will be short and sweet.
– First off, at Ultra‘s B-day shabang last nite, I finally locked lips with a can of Sparks. And although I did rather enjoy the tangy-arsed melted Sweetart taste of the malt-based energy drink, Mr Thought did not…

– 2ndoff, I don’t even want to talk about what a dicktease The O.C. has been for the last two weeks, but this scene was rather nice…

– Anywho, its time to pay our respects. Peace the fork out gets a triple dip today: Nazi boxer Max Schmeling, JFK in black skin, Ossie Davis and the great Dean Wormer, who once said, ‘Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son.’

And here’s some words of jizzdom…
– It’s never too late to own a piece of Peabs’ historical presidential campaign. I may have to throw down 11 clams to get that large mug.
– The Thigh Master disapproves of these Thigh Master cartoons.
– Can you get drunk on Listerine? How about vanilla extract? Tom Hanks’ character on Family Ties must have already known, but Cecil explains that as well as the question that’s been plaguing man since the dawn of boning: Does average human penis length vary among ethnic groups?
And yep, tis Friday. I’m off to Philly for some prime looting, so have phun kids!