Betsy’s So Jealous…
the lucky recipients of
Listen to em again,
like it was the first time
or try our own eggsclusive Thighs Wide
and don’t forget about the classic mash-up by TVgasm where Pat reached out for a reach around from Rosie O’Donnell
Hey it’s me, I am
sooo f$%ing into you…
It’s incredible!
(not to be confused w/
That’s Incredible)
You are so f%#ing hot…
I want to lick your face at
the Christmas party, Nancy O’Dell-icious!
If you get this message
just look at me and say ‘yes’.
So which one is Betsy?
You are such a ‘snazzy’
dresser Pat ole boy…
that you make Nuclear Bob
look like Yves Saint Laurent!
And what’s with the
bitched @ swirthing
with Elvis Costello?
Or even dearest Duckie?
If ‘You’re So F%#ing Hot’
was an event at the Olympics,
he’d walk home all blinged-out
in Gold, Silver, and Bronze!
And this insta-blog about
being in rehab with you
is so NOT f%#ing hot!
[via Thigh Jr Wannabe]
…you have no more messages