Beck To The Future
His Beckness
Hiro Ballroom
Friday, April 15, 2005

Beck, can you ever forgive me for forgivingup on you? Sure, you bored the fork outta me at Coachella ’04, and sorta at the two shows I saw you play with the Flaming Lips in Rocktober of ’02, but YOU ARE BACK BABY, comin’ alive Frampton stizzle stossel style, juss the way I like you, circa the Midnite Vultures tour of ’02. Don’t get me wrong, I loves me the slow acoustic stuff (Mutations is by far his beck work), but Sea Change to me = Kate Boooosworth. No matter, cause you proved to me and to the faithful that you truly rock, rule, and own the school! It also didn’t hurt that I was 4 rows of people away from you and yer adorable rosy cheeks. Anywhoz, see you next time you come ’round. XOXOXO to you and yours, and their dresser drawers. For more on the show, visit Ms Mod (where the setlist pic can from), Oh So Quiet, and Brooklyn Veaggie, who was nice enuff to include some of the Craigslist hottnesss from the past few days.