Free Love OnThe FreeloveInternet Superfreeway

• We’ll get to spot the drummer in a sec, but lettuce play an even mo fun game first:

Guess Who The Jason Priestleyesque Guy Is…

this is almost gayer than trent

I’ll give u a hint. His name is Ricky Gervais and he created one of THE funniest television series of y’alls time. Give up? Oops, I already gave it away, BUT CAN U SPORKIN BEE LEAVE IT?!?!?! Ricky ‘effin G, svelte, goatee-less, and hella Eurotrashy?!?! Snot only that, but them glamour shots (not by Deb) are from his heyday, when he was the lead singer of a New Wave band called Seona Dancing (wonder why they didn’t last). Someone did us all a huge favor by creating one of the only sites dedicated to the group. You can look at larger versions of said pics and even download two of their singles, which actually charted in Enger-land. I knew the man was a genius and a poet, but a sorta-never-rival of George Michael and Wham? Gawd I love this planet and the thing that makes it so bestestest: dem internets! [via Nipsy Newbsy]

• Is Doing A Schiavo the new Doing A Lynndie? [via My Man Marvkus]

• Is it possible to be dyslexic in Chinese?

• More reasons to love Tatum O’Neal.

• Path-etic. Hiz music aint even worth 49 cent.

• J-Lo rockin the Xena look? And how come Atreyu was the first thing that popped into me mind when I peeped dem pics? Help me please. Or juss give me an HJ.

• Last night’s O.C. sucked harder than a Dust Buster right out of the package.

• My mos flavorite band of the past year, the Fiery Furnaces, played lass noche at North Six. I was there and you weren’t. They rocked and you don’t. But you could be a good boy (or girl) and czeech them out in DC tonight @ the 9:30 Club or tomorrow at Webster Hall… where I will be as well to show my crotch support.

red man group?

Be good kids and maybe I’ll post another crossword…

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