Hair TodayGoon Forever
• What is wrong with you Steve Hartman?
• Keith Haring’s Pop Shop to close this September? Coney Island turning into Corny Island? What?!?! Girlhattan, thanks for ruining my pre-Passover eggstaticnessness.
• Their kids would be so boring, fugly, and have deeper voices than James Earl Jones speaking into a funnel. Maybe they can play with Dr & Mrs Zzzzz‘s future kidszzz.
• Not so ‘Good Vibrations‘. Where’s the Mike Love?
• How’d I miss the fact that Chunk attended Lebowski Fest LA (see 6th pic down)? And what’s all this 7/23 nonsense?
• Will the Hansons be the next Nelsons?
• When did Mischa go and get a ‘© Fox’ tattoo?
• Hey James Stanford, thanks for the apology, but yer still a cockmuffin and 3/4. I was honored to be your third target of yer pointless character assassinations, but you boviously didn’t do your research forkface. Sure, I may write like 3rd grader and in a huge point size, but that’s what the people (don’t) pay to read. Plus it’s Cuthbest I fancy the mostest, not Kirsten Dunst, you Dunstcap. I also found it rather comical that his apology email came from the following email address. You stinkin PoopHEAD!!! May you eat watermelons in hell with Hitler.
• Junior Senior hit up the Merc on June 23rd.
• How could anyone pass up the op to buy the new Weezer disc for $4.99??
• Is it me or does this Katie Holmes nip slip pic smell fishy to you?
• Why Pt II
• Two gems from the Mask: Abe Vigoda Status & NWA’s Straight Outta Compton, with nuttin but cuzz words!
• Qatar to Replace Camel Riders with Robots AND Police in Arizona Seek Monkey for SWAT Team??? If any of yous Hollyword peeps are reading this, lettuce make the world’s greatest script combining both of those stories, add some sorta giraffe sub plot, cast myself, Daniel-Day Lewis & HRT the II, and WHAM-o, Box Office Cash Cow!! [via Mr Thought & Pure Boy]