Nothing In Pac-ticular
• Although I’ve retired from playing video games in this new era (due to the fact that my brain can’t handle more than 3 buttons), tit doesn’t mean I can’t slobber over the past glories ad infinitum. Yesterday was Oregon Trail appreciation day and today that honor is reserved for Pac-Man, who is celebrating his 25th B-day this year!! Oh Pac-Man, what has happened to the gaming industry? The games haven’t gotten better, just bigger. And in my book, simplicity will always win (don’t get me going on Star Wars IV-VI vs Star Wars I-III again). And how can you beat chomping pellets and fruit while trying to avoid KKK-esque ghosts with names that end in ‘y’? You can’t! And no matter how many times they repackaged the game (Baby Pac-Man, with the game/pinball combo, was so fetch!), we the people gobbled it up over and over. Plus, who didn’t fall victim to the mania and the Pacaphernalia, hispecially the song, the cereal, the Chef Boyardee pasta, and no doubt the the toon, with the very poon-a-licious Mrs. P! Dem boots were made for walking KNOCKING!!!
• Calista Foghorn Flockhart to play the Indy 4’s leading lady [see very end of story]? OMG, next thing u know, Ryan ‘I Steal All of Jason Lee’s Roles’ Reynolds is going to replace the dearly deceased Denholm Elliott as Dr. Marcus Brody. I mean, the dude got lost in his own museum.
• Luke Skywalker is a possib to play the Joker in the next Batman flick. Unfortch, so are Adam Sandler (oh crap) & Robin Williams (OH LORD, PLEASE NO!)
• Kenny “Sky” Walker is possib the greatest Knick dunker of all time.
• Speed Racer movie update… sadly Vince Vaughn is still attached
• Tis been awhile, u deserve some (new)zzzzzzzz
• The American Office‘s Pam Beesly is apparently one hot catch. Not only is the fake Tim hot to trot for her, but so is Six Feet Under‘s Rico. Too bad none of them have a chance… unless their name is Uncle Rico.
• Speaking of, Trisha’s mom, the woman UR tires to sell Tupperware to, is one foxy momma in real life! I’ll keep my eyes and thighs on you Ellen Dubin!
• Who knew that Gawd & the Son of Gawd plays for FSU? [via Andre Dawson Boot Licker]
• Elton John, good enuff to eat!
• Cant bee leave that it took some HOT Sleven info to get Gawker to frynally realize how fantabulous truly is. Welcome to the club bizsnatches!! I’ll try to be more snarky in the future so u can link to me more. Note: the was the 1st time I ever used the word ‘snarky’ in a sentence. Please lock me in a room and force me to listen to LCruD Soundsystem for 6 straight weeks.
• The History of the Batmobile. I’m partial to the ’68 model.
• Beaten once again to get one of my grand ideas from my resin-filled head to the stores: Hold Me Closer Tiny Danza [via YCMIU]
•, still the strangest site I perma-link to!
• Cereal es muy YUMMY! [via Johnny Cash Money]
• And in clothing, I’d like to bid a hugem fond farewell peace the fork out to teethy actor Lane Smith, who was far from lame. If the name doesn’t ring a patti labell, don’t worry cause it didn’t cash register with me either. Cept the dude’s gotta face you’ve seen a zhousand thymes: Perry White on TV’s Lois & Clark, the DA in My Cousin Vinny, the mayor in Red Dawn, and of course, father-in-law to Paulie Shore’s Son In Law. You will be missed Lane. Hopefully a street in your birthplace will be renamed in yer honor. I can see it now: Lane Lane.