Full Throttle RocketIn My Pocket

you know there’s something deeply wrong with our free society when Snakes On A Plane out buzzez the underbuzzedlessnessness of Chicks That Kick [sexy Holly Valance clip + pics]
verdict on Kornheiser‘s pre-season MNF debut: Zzzzzzzzz
verdict on Entourage‘s use of Lily Allen‘s ‘Knock Em Out’: (Pa-lea)zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz(e)!
verdict on Kevin Smith’s sub-thumbing for ailin Ebert: sirprizzzzzzzzingly not awful, although he did recommend a DVD featuring himself talking about how awful he is
verdict on Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s interview con Mike Wallace: dude may be krazy, but dude has great taste in jackets
Samaire Armstrong turns to plan B, which should never be confused with Jennitt’s prod co or Di Kea’s poo fest
the Donald to Ivanka: ride the Thighmaster’s jock
mo Hof than a Hofnads family reunion at the Hofbräuhaus
Helvetica: THE MOVIE!! Hopefully this will open the door for Blippo‘s thumcredible life story that’s currently being shopped around Hollywurst
toss up on what’s more beerlarious: Perez Hilton’s mini-cat fight with Tara Reid or being clued in on where to buy his threads
spleaking of Police Squad, anyone else out dare remember the show that followed it’s re-airing on CBS in the summer of the ’91, Morton and Hayes, aka Rob Reiner’s valentine to B&W ye olde comedians, starring Kevin Pollak? If anyone finds a snap from the show, I’ll braid yer grundle hair for below market price

ABC’s Dancing With The Stars finally fingers out how to mcnabbs my attention: Mario Lopez, Joey Lawrence, Vivica A. Fox, Harry Hamlin, Willa Ford, Jerry Springer, Emmitt Smith AND Tucker Carlson, who’s scared of dancing, and neckties!!
I mean, c’mon, even Gigi Stone won’t eat herself [Brad Foreskin]
The Kennedy Girls [NSFW]
memo to Michael Scott: not only do black people love pizza, but so do Jews!
creeping of Jews, I’ve always dreamt of having my ketchup labeled ‘Blood of Christian Children‘ and NOW I have to dreamt no mo!!
How do Chinese parents name their children?
Where did fortune cookies come from and are they really Chinese?
obvscure movie sdtrks for d-lode [Wooly Wolcott]
frynally, someone found a use for Google maps [Marwanicured Hams]
The Mystery Man Behind The Magic Bullet
pictures you can’t take anymore
Tall, Slim, & Erect, and for once, I’m not talking about yer mum’s asparagus odor emitting penis
the rare Pringles Man stigmata
I just wanted to tell you… [NSFW]
and in redonkey spunk side boob news… try not to get blinded by the (head) lights, 1nce again