We're sorry to bother you at such a time like this, Mrs. Twice. We would have come earlier, but your husband wasn't dead then.
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it’s no Twin Peaks Season 2 (which will be released in 2112), but dude, Police Squad is the single funniest TV show of balls thyme, and the gawds were kind enuff to let the DVD drop on my b-day. I look fwd to
in other sorta eggciting news: Riptide & Perry King’s porn ‘stache is soon a comin to a versatile digital disc retailer (sorta) near you! Bi the gay, Thom Bray, who played brainsy Murray ‘Boz’ Bozinsky, has probably the mos le ghetto website since Mahir
in not so eggciting newz: Mike Douglas peaced the fork out on his 81st b-day