Letters From Spiro Agnew

And the winner is…

Breastest Adapted Screenplay

Breastest Gypsy Dramedy Mt Everest

[idea by Girzzle Grazzle]

Breastest ACC-James Joyce Joint
Spike Lee Has Yet To Smoke

…and last year’s winners


Will Little Miss Poopshine win the big prize and thus make me lose faith in Hollywood. Wait, did I ever have faith in Hollywood besides in Faith Ford’s holly givin me wood?

Will the Academy realize that they made a mistake in the supporting categories when the omitted Emily Blunt AND Michael Sheen?

Will this finally be Kevin O’Connell‘s year?

Will Jews vote for Hitler?

Will I sleep through all 3 of the Dreamgirls nominated song performances like I almost did watching Dreamgirls?

Will Binta y La Gran Idea [watch] be hailed as the greatestist ‘inta’ since Columbus’ Pinta?

Will there be time for nuts?

Will Forte?

stay tuned, like yer name was Mr Poon!

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