Play With My NESticles & You’ll Be Playing With Power
Is there a difference between Tracy Morgan & Tracy Jordan?
[Death From A Roach Clip]
I am – Sienna Miller Vaginal Definition of the Day… NSFW, robvs!
remembering Nintendo Power mag’s debut… dude, Rygar was robbed in the player’s poll!!
Norman Chad’s describes a typical Pete Rose day… it takes one gambler to know another, and remember kids, you gots to know when to hold them, know when to fold themm, know when to walk away and yes, know when to run
Angela & Pam, off-screen BFFs… who doesn’t love when women touch bras and panties AND things?!
The 50 Greatest Local TV Commercials (That I Could Find on YouTube)… I know tits bona fide cause look what came in at #50!
Eat at Azamat’s… is it any good? and does one have to watch out for hairs in their sangwiches?
Top 10 Other Things that Han Shot that Didn’t Shoot at Him First & The Greedo Assassination Conspiracy Page… wonder if Greedo shot JR and Agt Cooper? And wonder which one of yous is gonna buy me this HOTT arsed shirt?
Nice (Wine) Rack!… that’s what I said!
yes, spanks for not askin, but we still do love our current Royal Thighness, Ms Watling…
and may the mail be with you!