Yes, We WereHaving A Laugh
Ricky Gervais
Highline Festival
The Theater at Madison Square Garden
May 20th
I love me some laughter, but I’m no lover of stand-up comedyß. I made an exception to that rule for Ricky Gervais, cause he rulesæ, and cause I also needed my spirits uplifted after I wagered my Thigh Offspring’s college fund on Mint Slewlep. Ricky did not disappoint, but I wouldn’t necessarily say that he blew my mind and my cock either. But since we all now know that I’m more of a sit-down guy in a stand-up world, I’d have to say it was the greatestist stand-up show I have ever seen (For the record, the wurstest stand-up gig I sawz was the Coz (sans Peabs), who bored me to death at the IU Aud back in the late ’90s). Ricky G keep going back and forth between political and sexual jokes, but always got the mos reaction when he was rolling out his animal bits (not to be confused his his children’s book Flanimals). Ricky seemed to be eating up one of his first American audiences as much as we were gorging on him. I hope this mutual dining will propel him to come back and do it all over again, although I won’t be mad vexed if David Bowie doesn’t introduce him each time with his ‘Pug Nose Face’ serenade from Extras like he brillsiantly did last noche
ßIf Gawd really wanted to punish me, he should unleash 10 plagues consisting of 10 stand-up comics upon Thighland. Gawd, if yer havin trouble choosing, I’d have to recommend Paula Poundstone, David Brenner, Elaine Boosler, Rita Rudner, Dane Cook, Rosie O’Donnell, Hecky Brown, McBain, Rupert Pupkin and any random talking head comedian as seen on E! or VH1
æaside from Special Agent Dale Cooper, is there any better character in television history than David Brent? For those playing at home, the answer is ‘no’.