Something In The Hair

Something In The Air
(Après mai)

It’s No Carlos
Official Website | Trailers & Mo
Unrated | 122 min

something in the air

It’s the late 60s/early 70s, in France, and students everywhere are pissed about stuff, and they want to do something about it.  News to me, since I’m an American, and we didn’t cover late 60s/early 70s French student unrest in any of our history classes, and I took a lot of history classes cause I was a History minor in college (which got me nowhere… but here?).  So these French students did anything in their power to make their voices be heard – they like firebombed buildings and things, they wrote pamphlets and manifestos on hot topics and stuff, and they did drugs and each other.  Sounds juss like lates 60s/early 70s America, but in France!!!!!!!!!

The GREAT director  (Carlos, Carlos, Carlos) came of age during that turbulent time, and he autobiographically channels his experiences into his atmospheric Something In The Air.  Newcomer (with a Strokes hairdo)  plays Olivier by way of the character Gilles – the son of a TV writer/director (just like Assayas and his pops is was), who has nothing better to do than fight the power with pal  (also with a Strokes hairdo), and get into the pants of  & .  But maybe there’s more to life than juss being a shaggy-haired revolutionary shagging chicks????  Gilles is an artist first, and a radical second, but the movie starts with the order reversed.  Not much actually transpires over the film’s two hours, but stuff is happening all around, but that’s not really our concern.  Our concern is for Gilles, but there’s nothing really to ever be concerned about, cause he will shed his anger and become an artist!  Oh, there’s something in the air indeedy-do, and yes, it’s worth inhaling, even if it’s not exactly clear what that something is!

Verdictgo: low-end Jeepers Worth A Peepers

The Air is Something in limited release today, and on-demand May 9th

and until next thyme the balcony is clothed…

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