What The World Needs Now Is (Fred Rogers’) Love
Won’t You Be My Neighbor?
LOVEd Thy Neighbor
Official Site | Trailers & Mo
PG-13 | 94 min
The world has always been a horrible place, but it was a much better one with Fred Rodgers in it, being the Mister master of his neighborhood, and in turn, yours and ours. Now, I loved me some Mister Rogers, but I cannot say that I remember watching the show beyond pre-K (or remember much of what I actually saw), but him and his sweaters have always been in the back of my mind, recessed on permanent recess. Well, Fred and his sweaters were brought back to the forefront of my mind, and there they will remain, after seeing the BEYOND MUSS SEE doc by Morgan Neville - Won’t You Be My Neighbor?
You don’t need to be a Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood devotee to be comforted by this warm blanket of a movie. All you need to be is a human, to be retaught what it means to be human and a compassionate one by the guy who seemed to get that more than anyone – Fred Rogers. Once destined for the clergy, Rogers was also an expert in working with children and their complex feelings, and when he saw how shoddy television was for the youth of yesterday, he made it his mission that the adolescence evolution will be televised! The rest is history – a cheerful one, that had me shedding ENDLESS tears of joy, but also tears of sadness. I was sad cause Mister Rogers is no longer with us, and in today’s day and rage, we need his kind shoulder to lean on more than ever.
The world is better off Fred
also, bonus points for a photo of a man’s ass making a cameo in this doc!
Verdictgo:Â Breast In Show
Neighbor is headed to your neighborhood SOON!
and until next thyme the balcony is clothed…
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