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The Mighty Bosch

Jheronimus Bosch, Touched by the Devil
Like Watching Dried Paint
Official Site | Trailer
Not Rated | 86 min


I love Hieronymus Bosch.  Love.  LOVE!!!!!  He’s so fcuking twisted!  In a time when paintings were too Jesusy, and way too Jesusy, and WAY WAY WAY too Jesusy, Mr Bosch was getting evil with the Jesusy stuff!  His painting freak me the fcuk out.  If the heavenly and mainly hellishly things going on in them existed in real life, I would probably not want to be a part of real life!

I mean, look at this fcuking thing!!

bosch bug thing

or look at these fcuking things!!

strange bosch

and what the fcuk is going on here??

rape bosh

I mean, I could go on and on, and show you ever more fcuked up sh!t, but there’s only so much you cannot unsee

bosch odd


So many questions – and WTF? is the question that needs to be asked over and over!

Pieter van Huystee‘s documentary – Jheronimus Bosch, Touched by the Devil –  isn’t necessarily about Bosch as a man and a painter – it’s more about the mounting of a Dutch exhibition taking place in his hometown, to mark the 500th anniversary of his death in 1516, and that’s kinda a shame.  Cause we want to know more about Biggty Bosch, and not as much about the exhibition and the people mounting it

BUT, the process of mounting this exhibition is interesting in its own right.  A Dutch team was assembled to scour the earth and re-examine and re-evaluate the 25 known Bosch works in existence, which are attributed to him or his studio.  This team left no stone unturned, or even wood unturned.  Thru the wood of the paintings’ backing, they can figure out a year, and some of these paintings that are known to be works of Bosch, fall beyond the year of his death!  Woah, not possible!  And the film digs deep into the details of the actual paintings, and shows these details in full, which is a treat, since none of us will ever get that close to his paintings!!! (SO MANY OWLS!!! SO LITTLE TIME!!).  And they do this cool infrared photo stuff where you can see the drawings behind the paintings – like stuff that was once there and now aint!!!

bosch infared

OK, so we don’t get learn about Bosch the man, or his motivations  – cause its apparent that that information doesn’t exist – and so all we are left with is only MORE questions, but isn’t the goal of art is to make you think and question things and stuff, while marveling at its beauty (and/or horror)?? 

Verdictgo:  Jeepers Worth A Peepers

Bosch is currently playing in limited release

and until next thyme the balcony is clothed…


A Racist In The Fun

clan boxes

Cherry Chan and Cherry Clan boxes from Jason Liebig’s collection

cherry clan art

Cherry Clan by Christopher Johnson

cherry clan wip

cherry clan work in progress by kevko76

cherry clannn

Cherry Clan Wrapper

so, what’s up with Cherry Chans and Cherry Clans?

a Zumbiel Packaging artist, Gus Somers, designed the [Cherry Chan] package by hand (i.e. with a paintbrush). Naturally, it was a complete rip-off of the image and likeness of Charlie Chan.  Sal Ferrara found it amusing that Zumbiel shamelessly borrowed Charlie Chan’s image to help him sell candy… Charlie Chan’s heirs however were not quite as amused and threatened to sue Ferrara Pan if they did not cease and desist.  And so, Ferrara changed the name from Cherry Chan to Cherry Clan — which from a racist perspective was even worse than Cherry Chan.  Cherry Clan featured little squinty eyed Chinese faces wearing conical Asian hats — perhaps to imply that the candy originated in a rice paddy?  The China theme apparently did not work and the Cherry Clans faded from store shelves [and became Cherryheads]



When Life Gives You Meadowlark Lemon, Make Meadowlark Lemonade

Peace The Forks Out


Frey Guy

glenn frey


Gruffy Loggia



The Stoned Temple Pilot



lemmy motorhead


The Voice of
Disney’s Robin Hood

disney robin hood



schinder one day at a time



Trapper John

Haskell Wexler

Vilmos Zsigmond

Dolph Schayes

Dave Henderson

Natalie Cole

the best Marchibroda ever!


the voice of Boba Fett

Ellsworth Kelly


a Mott the Hoopler

Lawrence Phillips

Ghostbusters Mayor

ghosbusters mayor

he was in Hitchock’s Rope – one of Hitch’s best movies!!!!

Bachelor Father daughter

that guy from All My Children

he North Faced the music

Céline Dion’s brother AND husband

Monte Irvin

hot pants mother

Last Survivor of 1906 San Francisco Earthquake!!!

Grizzly Adams!

grizzy adams

his book became Munich

Bee Gees Manager

wrote first ep of Star Trek + 1/2 of Logan’s Run

Oscar Campaign Publicist dude


Specials drummer

Motörhead drummer

Godfather casting director

inventor of the mini-skirt

Fletch’s editor

fletch Richard Libertini

she sang songs

he played a uke in Shallow Hal

Paris brothel lady

Jonestown attack survivor

some old actress

he was served

Norman Mailer’s ex-wife who he stabbed!

Cha Cha

Meadowlark Lemon

meadowlark lemondae meadowlark

Phi Slama Jama coach

Moore Dickie

Hot Rod Williams

a Butler bulldog

some Yankee

some Bullish guy

some American runner

some Soviet heavy

some boxer

that guy from The Lost Boys

lost boys 3

lost boys 2

lost boys

the Williams in Williams-Sonoma

she made room for daddy

Mr Staples

some country singer

Bill Parcells mentor

from a specific hospital

mini American Horror Story-er

Mr Robot

un-yummy Berger


you’re up next!!!!!!!

Ken Beatrice

so long everyone

eagles lebowsku

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