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Five Easy Peaces

Forks Out

Paul Leonard
‘We All Know That
I Was An Amazing Actor
But The Most Important Thing
I Ever Gave The World
Was Slapping My Good Name
On The Box Of
The Finest Arnold Palmer
Knock-Off Drink Ever:

Newman‘s Own
Virgin Lemon-Aided Ice Tea’

1925 – 2008

William A. Shea
‘The Queens Dump Hole Where You Can Hear Planes While Watching Awful Mets Baseball’
Municipal Stadium

1964 – 2008

‘They Said
D-D-Don’t Stop the Beat,
Yet They’re Stopping The Beat’


1998 – 2008

The RCA Dome’s roof
coroner to the stars
Our Ganger Buddy
founder of National Grandparents Day
regular season Redskins-Cowboys games at Texas Stadium (Zorn!!!!!)


Total Request
‘Home of Jewel’s
NSFW Photo Booth Fun


1998 – 2008


A Thirstday For Knowledge

meat the adorable cutie pie mcgee guest star from last week’s Gossip Girl Laura Leigh. she’s a recent Juilliard grad with two first names and no IMDb profile. she’ll be appearing in some play next month starring Jason Bigggggs. we want to pinch her cheeks, both sets

Jenna Fischer has a new beau, and sadly it’s not us or Beau Bridges

Lohag’s dressing up as a lesbian for Halloween

Kenley Spears hottier than Kenley Collins

the Jonas Bros get to molest Camille Belle and her eyebrows. wonder if this plea for her hand in marriage had anything to do with it

where have you gone Joe Dimaggio? and moist importantly, where the fred funk have you gone YouTube’s ‘original size’ button?

Deconstruction of Famous Personalities

Struggling Mets Combine To Form Carlos Voltron

What is the meaning of PEZ?

Coney Island Beard and Moustache Competition


SFW XXX, probably not so SFW [Time Werespanko]

we’re off to B-town tonight for mad ranch sauce farts
so no postage tomorrow
so get yer stamps st else wear



remember Peaches Records & Tapes?! didn’t think so, but we do! before our area had Tower Records, we had Peaches! they would display their records in peach crates! eat that crate and barrel and patrick crayton barrel! they used to give customers free record-shaped gum that came in a mini record sleeves! that was more awesome than flawesome’s creek! whatever that means!

Ben Kingsley’s a minor threat!

Seth MacFarlane’s Cavalcade of Cartoon Comedy, juss as unfunny as Family Guy or anything else that guy touches! please stop!

more Gorillaz!
maybe more Blur!
no more ProductShopNYC, wtf?!

the Stark Trek movie juss got a lil hotter!
anyone for a game of golf?!

Cardboard Box, Bath Mat, And Pinata!

Hulk Boobs smash! [Crusiespanko!]

Emma Rigby in an ugly bikini!

The 30 Worst Autobiography Pun Titles!

Sue Lyon!

Travis’ kissed the girl!

a moment of silence Harold Faltermeye’s Fletch theme in memory of Gregory McD! [Andre Dawson’s Sondaw!]

Armed & Topless! [NSFW!]

and looking for that perfect gift for that special someone that loves wearing hats that have crazy quotes that came from the lips of crazy football coaches?! then look no further than Dennis Green’s â„¢ed caps, including such classic phrases that payses like ‘They Are Who We Thought They Were‘ and ‘We Let Them Off The Hook‘! wanna know what’s off the hook?! these hats!!!

and this justin: MATT MILLEN, FINALLY FIRED!!



To Hell With Zeptember And To Heaven With Roktoberfest

sweet cleavages, beer and women making out
should replace life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness
as the inalienable rights of man

we’re sure Rusty would agree [NSFW]

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