There should be a law stating that all movies should run no longer than 90ish minutes, and based on The Hives mos welcome jammed-packed rebel rousing return to NYC last night at Webster Hall, all concerts should end after about 70 minutes. Anything less would be uncivilized. Anything more would also be uncivilized, but I couldn’t find a Brian Bosworth clip of him saying that, so I offer more Boz instead: Denver’s Three Amigos or his real estate listings
Lebowski Fest LA gathers the creme de la crap this year in terms of special guest stars, including, but not limited to Marty the Landlord, the dude who owns the Corvette and the real little Larry (pic above)!?
and while we missed out on birthday kugs and hisses for the bestest set of spicy Italian NSFW tatties nick goings, we would never forget about extending 20th b-day wishes and extending our penis to Her Former Royal Thighness, Camilla Belle
The Princess Bride was released in theaters 20 years ago on this very day. It rawked the his and her-house, and you already know this, so we’ll dispense with the pageantry and get on with the…
Finestest Rhymin’ Dog Paddlin’ Brute Squad Member Who Formerly Was Unemployed, In Greenland Fezzik
Biggestest Academy Award Oversight Besides Walter Sobchak Getting ZERO Love only ONE! Oscar nomination which was for Best Original Song Willy De Ville/Mark Knoplfer’s ‘Storybook Love’ [d]
The Mos Memorable Single Word Spoken On Screen Since The Graduate‘s ‘plastics’ ‘Mawage‘ (‘Inconceivable!‘ placed 2nd)
Prince Humperdinck’s Wettest Dream Ex-Wife Susan Sarandon cleansing her breasts with lemons
Lastest Thing I Want To Encounter In A Dark Alley or The Fire Swamps Besides Brian Peppers R.O.U.S.eses
Photochopinest Grandpa Idea Waiting To Be Made Queer As Falk
Mos Accomplisheded Adolescent Mission to see Princess Buttercup (somewhat) naked
The Battle To End All Battles Including Arnaz Battle
The Battle of Wits betwixt Westley & Vizzini
Dopestest Book The Movie Was Based On That You Never Thought To Read William Goldman’s The Princess Bride which includes Inigo & Fezzik’s backstories!!
Truly The Bestest Albino Mt EVERest w/Mouth Sores! The Albino
Equally As Klassic Rob Reiner Flick Made The Year Before! Stand By Me
The Chemical Brothers Ladytron & The Rub McCarren Pool August 22nd
Us kids today aint got no Pink Floyd laser light shows to help tear down our innerwalls, but in my humboldt opinion, The Chemical Brothers’ ear and eye candy-a-thon that they call a ‘concert’ and I call ‘two blokes turning knobs’ is the closet thing we have to it. While much hullabaloo was made of Daft Punk’s rawkin recent shows in the US of A, probably cause they’ve rarely played here, The Chems have been workin the same kinda euphoric dance magic here, there and everywhere many a times over in this new century. Sure, they may not be robots or turnin’ said knobs in a pyramid, but Tom Rowlands and Lily Allen-friendly Ed Simons time and thyme again put on the best pre-recorded show on earth. Saturday’s show at McCarren Pool was no different (includin perfectly matched opening sets from playgirls Ladytron and miller kash-ups by DJs The Rub), as the Bros Chem mixed in hot tunes from their mos franztastic new jounks, We Are The Night. Buy it curly and moften!!!
I dunno if this is really Martina Hingis, but I’d totally let her paddle my balls [NSFW]
the single mos important link for any football fan wonderin what awful games will be shown in their household, hispecially if they is not from the area originally (I’m stuck with the Jets AND the Giants for 17 weeks, so please shoot me in the head) [Guns n Rosenthal]
and lookin for the world’s wurstest mini-games based off one of the world’s wurstest movies ever created by a human being? spanks to Warner Bros, they put all dem Death To Smoochy games in one place!