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Let Me Entertain Me


Beacon Theatre
August 3rd

2007’s Squeeze may not be the same exact line-up of yer older sister’s late 70s/early 80s Squeeze, but I doubt anyone’s losing sleep over Jools Holland’s absence, as long as the core duo of Glenn Tilbrook and Chris Difford are the ones carrying the torch. This is their first tour since the ’99, which is a good thing for me, cause outside of a few of their hits (‘Tempted’, ‘Mussels From A Shell’, & ‘Take Me I’m Yours’), I didn’t really get into them until a few years ago. And from the 20 or so tunes I now know, Squeeze RAWKINly played half of them, leading me to want to discover all the rest. The setlist was similar to the show they played at the Nokia Theater two nights before, with much bestness abound. And the fans? Well, these 45 year-olds were eatin it up. So much so that I got goosebumps when Squeeze ended the first set with ‘Cool For Cats’ and when the band left the stage, the entire place was chanting ‘Ewwwwwwww Ewwwwww Eww’ until they reemerged for the encore

‘Goodbye Girl’ [d]

if I Loved It, So Will Jew

Being one of the world’s fifthmost Clockwork Orange fans, I’ve endlessly heard that Lindsay Anderson’s classic if…. was required viewing. For years I waited for the DVD to be released, and after it finally was, I had to wait another 2 months before Netflix found a copy available to send me. And worth the wait it mos certainly was! Malcolm McDowell‘s feature film debut as a rousing rebel private school student is required viewing for everyone, even if you hate on ACO. You should also czech out the audio commentary with film critic/historian David Robinson and duhvs course McDowell. Cause one shouldn’t go thru life with a bunch of ‘what if….s’


Shine On You Crazy Boyle
Trailers & Mo

For the first half of Danny ‘Mr I Directed The Greatestist Modern Movie of Our Generation‘ Boyle’s epic Sunshine, a run of the general mills sci-fi movie is afoot: an Earthly crew is sent to finish a mission that failed the first time around. Why it failed, no one knows, so what could possibly go wrong on round numero two? But after the always necessary EVA repair scenes pass, the film finishes so strongly that all the passédness that came before simply turns into a thing of the past. This is the movie that Peter Hyams’ 2010 wish it could of been, udderl
y gripping and a sight to be seen. In fact, the only thing that 2010 has on Sunshine is Roy Scheider’s pool in his house that dolphins swim in. Take that Boyle!

Space Cadet: Sunshine marks the third collaboration between director Boyle and writer Alex Garland. The others were The Beach and 28 Days Later. None too shabby, and I’m sure the next movie he’s writing won’t be either. It’s a lil project called Halo

Byrne Baby Byrne: is there anyone cute-afyin the silver screen any quiter and butter than Queen Amidala impostor Rose Byrne? If there is, I don’t even wanna know about tit

[from the Faptooine files]

John Grisham’s Jizzum (aka Verdict): Breast In Show

+ endless hours of Wii tennis

which gave me a sore arm
aka Wiidonitis (soon to be added to WebMD)

+ introducing the gayest movie ever

to a friend not in the know


The Bourne Ultimatum
Bourne Again
(wonder if anyone else came up with sum tang that clever)
Trailers & Mo

Although nothing transforms in Bourne 3, I dare you spray that it’s not the popcorn pleaser of the summer. If you double dare me back, you knows I’ll be taking that effin physical challenge so eat it you jerkface or I’ll turn your Marc Summers into the Marc winters of your discontent! Dude, Bourne Ults was outta forkin control. I couldn’t stop saying to meself, how the fizzle did they film and edit this pizzle? The action never seemed to stop, even when Edward R. Murrow kept sayin goodnight and good luck and FBI Chief of Behavioral Science Jack Crawford kept pining for Clarice Starling and Julia Stiles made this face for the humpteenth thyme and Daddy Warbucks tried to buck Bourne in the pooper. Shiz may be called Bourne Ultimatum but with its love from below and above, shiz coulda been called Bourne To Rizock The UlTomatoMeterum

Sprinkle Z Deutsch: Daniel Brühl plays the brother of Franka Potente‘s deceased character Marie. The two German acting dynamos have only been paired up in one movie before, $chlaraffenland

The Grass Is Greener On The Other Side: while Paul Greengrass may be the king of documentary style fictional filmmaking, Barney Greengrass is the king of sturgeon. And regardless of how funny Kevin James is, I will never ever watch an episode of the King of Queens

John Grisham’s Jizzum (aka Verdict): Breast In Show

The Police
Giants Stadium (Go Skins!)
August 5th

Ever since I was blown away and I blew myself watching Simon & Garfunkel reunited at MSG, I knew had to see any group that I hearted if they decided to ever reform. The Police were juss such a band, and hispecially so since it seemed like they would never get back together cause Sting is a prick and he’s too busy sending his love down a well. Well, the cheeky bastards still gots it, and the show’s setlist, which seems to be the same from city to city, is purrrfectly suited for those Greatest Hits only fans like myself. Now I wouldn’t hexaggactly say that I was blown away (the Squeeze show was actually better) or ready to blow myself or even Jude Law for that matter (OHHHH Jude Law and your juicy cock!), but I’m still glad I saw the show. Now that this reunion is outta the way, I want a police reunion of a whole different medium: Sgt. Joe Friday and Pep Streebeck. Juss the facts ma’am, and juss watch this vid of Hanks and Akroyd rappin to a tune called ‘City of Crime’

I mean, who doesn’t love dancing P.A.G.A.N.s?

So, what did you do this past tweakend?


I Do Know ThatI'm Glad I Came

Just Jack
Hiro Ballroom
July 31st

The title of this here posting is our personal response to the line ‘Don’t know yet if I’m glad I came‘ from Just Jack‘s chillicious ‘Writer’s Block’ ditty [d]. But what about you, were you glad that you came to JJ’s US debut at the Hiro Ballroom? I know you don’t have an answer cause ewe didn’t listen to us and decided that JOing to Shark Week was a butter use of yer time. Well buster poindexter and yer laboratory, you missed out (but you LA people have a chance 2 catch him 2nite) cause Just Jack (although it wasn’t just him alone up there on stage rizockin out) honed his skillz and owned the room, in what was purty much a ‘showcase’ leading up to the stateside release of his mos groovy groovy LP Overtones

The last time we were at Hiro for a showcase showdown, twas Lily Allen making a Hotlantic splash, but even though she was still wet behind her ears and between her thighs, her rise to the top was inevitable. The same can’t be said for Just Jack, which is a cryin shame considering his show was much more polished, hand clappin’in, and all around mo fun than watching Shark Week with Jerry Tarkanian. I don’t know what more I can say to convince you that JJ, like Penny Lane, belongs in your ears and in your eyes, so I’ll juss leave it as this: our thighs don’t lieszZs


Plenty of TimeFor Love Dr Jones

cause Karen is sharing!

Too bad Alison ‘Civic’ Dooty‘s character gots greedy in Crusade… but will nepotism shine thru for Willie Scott?

Dr Jones‘ by Aqua [d]


Ska's The Limit

This Is England
This Is Brilliant
Trailers & Mo

Lost souls living in lost places have nowhere to look but down, but when someone just like them comes along and shows em that there’s an easy answer to their not so easy problems, this up can become quite a downer. And such is the way of life for young fatherless Shaun (Thomas ‘Tommo’ Turgoose, chipping in the strongest debut of a kid I’ve seen since Natalie Portman went toe to toe with Jean Reno in Léon), slowly going nowhere in a nameless English town, during those difficult early Margaret Thatcher years. That is until he’s taken in by local group of skinheads, who are more into mischief and Ska music than kicking people’s heads in. While having plenty of summer fun with the lads, and some sassy lassies, Shaun’s dreary days seem like a thing of the past… until Combo (Snatch‘s Stephen Graham, showing he’s more than juss Tommy The Tit), a recently released jailbird, rejoins the ragtag group of young skinheads. Combo quickly separates the weak from the weak-minded in the crew, and leads them into a new direction, filled with rage and hate for the foreigners who he claims are chipping away at the idealistic England of their forefathers. Combo takes quite a liking to Shaun, seeing a lot of himself in the boy, so he steps in naturally as a father figure to him. For awhile, this relationship seems to work, but Combo’s racist philosophy eventually rears its ugly head

In a shutnell, I loved this film. It not only works as a solid piece of entertainment, but it actually has something to say, even if the message isn’t so straightforward. This Is England is only the second Shane Meadows‘ film that we’ve viddied, but we aim to correct that issue pronto. If his other works are anywhere close to this subtle bestness, then I can see why peeps be claiming that he’s the heir apparent to such revered British filmmakers like Ken Loach and Mike Leigh. And if you don’t know what the fork I’m talking about, you can juss Leighve me be!!

Netflux Capacitor: nuttin rocks harder than European youth raging against the machine and thats why you should peep out ‘çois Truffaut’s The 400 Blows [trailer]

Apt MPupil3: The Specials‘ hauntin ‘Ghost Town‘ [d|vid]

BBC BFFs: Turgoose & Graham can also be seen together in BBC’s The Innocence Project

John Grisham’s Jizzum (aka Verdict): Breast In Show•

until next thyme the balcony is clothed…

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