The Show Must Egon

Bustin’ Loose
Official Site | Trailers & Mo
PG-13 | 105 min


THEY DID IT – THEY MADE A GHOSTBUSTERS – WITH WOMEN!!!  And the world will survive it, and the world will move on.  Blasphemy doesn’t exist anymore cause nothing is sacred.  In our lifetime Citizen Kane will get a remake or a sequel or a prequel or a shequel.  Maybe even Jesus will get a reboot.  But you know what, life and art has been repeating and imitating itself for centuries, so why not juss give up and accept the misery, especially when the results are sometimes not awful

Ghostbusters 2016 is NOT awful.  It’s actually 2/3rds really good, and then in the final 1/3rd of the film – a little TOO familiar and too much of a good nothing.  But that first 2/3rds – man – the women (Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones) are FUNny and spunky (McKinnon comes out on top of the four), and the film moves fast and is flashly, and I was all with it!!  But that ending?  You’ve seen it before when it was already called Ghostbusters, and the filmmakers missed an opportunity to make something entitrely new, and make the franchise something truly their own

Now I get it, you want to pay homage and respect to the original, and the cameos of the old timers were nice, and the other nods to the first movie, and to the fans are necessary, but there has to be a limit.  The original was actually a serious movies with perfect humor to offset the scariness.  This new one is all for laughs, and since they’re not taking things too seriously, it’s kinda hard for us to take it seriously either

But then again, a funny Chris Hemsworth is better than a serious one

hemsworth ghostbusters

Verdictgo: Jeepers Worth A Peepers

Ghostbusters call at a theater near jews

and until next thyme the balcony is clothed…


Laverne & Shirley You Can’t Be Serious?

Peace The Forks Out


Garry Marshall


garry happy days

gary marshall

garrys shows

garry penny

garry matt dillion


garry card


The Hunter of Deer

deer hunter


Elie Wiesel



Mr Killing Fields


Abbas Kiarostami

the DB Cooper investigation

Nate Thurmond

he kissed spider women

the boss of bosses

Warhol factory photog

straight up punk

the first Lois Lane

Mr Nine West


robin hardy wicker man

wicker man hardy

he was ENTERPRISE-ing

a Prime Minister of France

Pakistan’s Mother Teresa

Eagles player and coach

he was straight up Loonie

Minni miracle man


Elvis Presley guitarist

he swam in gene pools

he messed with Howe

he was in The Mummy

Tom Hanks’ mom

Mickey Rooney’s son

she wrote Rebecca 2

she helped books

he owned Baltimore’s Studio 54

NYU’s 13th prez

Spumoni Gardens owner

he raced with Newman’s own

some film processing guy

some country singer

some SNL director

some DJ

some lawyer

some British comedienne

some historian

some actor

some other actor

some other other actor

some other other other actor

some other other other other actor

some Romanian actor

some Senator

some SoCal writer

some Hungarian writer


Chief Zee

chief zee2

WASHINGTON, D.C. - DECEMBER 27: Washington Redskins fan "Chief Zee" watches the game against the Philadelphia Eagles on December 27, 2003 at FedEx Field in Washington, D.C. (Photo by Jerry Driendl/Getty Images)

chief zee skins

MIAMI - DECEMBER 03: Washington Redskins "unofficial" mascot Zema Williams known as Chief Zee wipes his face as he arrives for the funeral of Redskins football player, Sean Taylor, at the Pharmed Arena at Florida International University December 3, 2007 in Miami, Florida. Taylor died November 27, one day after being shot at his home in Miami. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)


Please Be My X-Wife

X-Men: Apocalypse
Sophie Page Turner
Official Site | Trailers & Mo
PG-13 | 144 min

x-men apocalypse

Oh, hey – another superhero movie!  But ya know what?  I’ve come to the realization that out of ALL the superhero franchises in existence – I like the X-Men ones the most, and I’m not even really an X-Men kinda guy (my peeps are The New Teen Titans of the late 80s, early 90s).  I think I’ve liked or super-liked every single one of the X-Men movies, even the Brett Ratner one (but not really the solo Wolverine ones, which doesn’t make much sense as to why they aren’t so great, cause Hugh as Wolvie is SO great)

Well, this X-Men movie may not be perfect (Oscar Isaac‘s mummy resurrected bad guy was kinda cool, but the final battle vs him wasn’t so much), but I am on board with whatever this movie is.  Mainly cause…

they don’t let Olivia Munn talk! (she’s in an insult to actors everywhere who cannot get employed, while she is)

oliva munn x men

and Evan Peters as the super fast dude is STILL the fcuking BBBBBBBBBBBBBEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

x-men peter evans

but more importantester than ANYTHING… 

Sophie Turner is sooooooo SUPER fine, in leather, and not in leather

(I’m a sucker for redheads, in leather, and not in leather)

grey sophie tuener

sophie cxmen

sophie xmen2

sophie xmen

sophie grey

grey sophie

Verdictgo: Jeepers Worth A Peepers

X-Men is about to X-it theaters soon!

and until next thyme the balcony is clothed…


Bills Withered

forget changing the $20 bill, and change ALL bills to Money Pit bill$$$$$$$$$$$$!!!!

money pit money


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