Tag Archives: 80s Commercials

I Will?

Sure, Wes Anderson’s AT&T Commercials are quite nifty, but where are the .357s, with a bayonet? Or more importantly, where’s Tom Selleck’s voice, hexplainin’ to me why all those ‘You Will‘ promises he made us in the early 90s, like renewing my drivers license at an ATM, attending a meeting in my bare feet, or tucking my non-existent baby in from a phone booth, never came to fruition? Magnum PI my a$$! More like Magnum FU!!


Wirth Every Penny

•Is there anything more classic than ESPN Classic airing American Gladiators? Me thinks snot, unless of course they wanted to air ye olde classic commercials at the break like the Vlasic Pickle ones featuring that stork, but ceggers can’t be bosers, unless of course they’re Elayne Boosler! Anywho, their inaugural season back in the ’89 was creme de la crops and de menthe. Where else would u find color commentary by Joe Theismann on the following bestness…

artist Billy Wirth
aka vampire Dwayne from The Lost Boys
playing with balls


Malibu‘s least wanted

additional props go out to the ’90 edish that featured NFL zebra Bob McElwee as their main ref


A Cockwork Orange Julius Caesar Chavez Salad Tossin

Cuthbest = bestcuth!

[Moo Hotties]

No wonder Wanda always had reservations about givin up that luscious jacksony tang to Doogie

many Bothan spies died to tell us that PW Botha, William Styron, and Mr Eko all peaced the fork out, as well as Bob Barker‘s decisish to dump his super amazin super slim microphone

the real stories behind Borat

the usual Alex James spreadin Blur reunion blather leads the Snob to hump the Queen, for good or for bad

Rev Al Sharpton hates the NFL network more than Andy Rooney hates people who wear American flag pins

Kevin from The Office, no longer a canidate for the Nats job [DC Bestest Guy]

here’s yer chance to help make the National Mall > than Scenes From A Mall

I’ve heard of Miami of Ohio, and even lame-o-er than lame-o Indiana of Pennsyvania, but California University of Pennsylvania? I would never drink to that CUP!

Monica Bellucci in Italy’s GQ, always barely SFW

The Most Brilliant Thing You’ll See All Day [Boris Becker’s Love Child]

Wikipedia: Lamest edit wars

Celebs In Lingerie

Friday the 13th: In 7 Minutes

Top Ten Female Streakers [The Terrible Bowler]

Knuckle Tattoos

Dog Ties

Camp Camp

Top Gun T Shirts

Bunny Yawns

Little People

Tootie’s Bong [De La Roachclip]

Men of Mortuaries

Melting Ice Pops 1999-2004

Debbie McGee Models

Cindy Margolis Playboy Scans, butter late than never say never again [NSFW]

and the Bloodsport Mentos Commercial

[The Shoemaker]

and m’yes, today I turn another year old
and m’yes, you totally forget to buy me those subscrips to Highlights AND Latin Inches that I asked for!

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Nobody Bothers Mies van der Rohe

Schlappy 25th annie verse airy to THE WAVE, which was supposedly invented by Krazy George & a bunch of Oakland A’s fans, and snot supposedly by the UW [CBS Sun Morn]

many a belated piece the forkins like Jek Porkins to SmellyGBs, the battler of Algiers, the Buckster, the Lord, the dude who got to bang Jayne Mansfield, and Mr Tequila! [d & the Pee Wee dance]

Roger Ebert answers the not so age olde question: what the fcuk is the deal wit Roger Ebert? [The Vegan]

The V Mini Series sequel needs $19 million dollars. If we find 19 million V fans with a dollar a piece, THE BEASTMASTER WILL BE ABLE TO FEED HIS FAMILY!!

Eric Stoltz is was Marty McFly: THE PICTURES [Navi The Terrible Bowler]

the video for David ‘The Hoff’ Hasselhoff’s ‘Jump In My Car’ co-starring KITT

the world’s largest collection of SFW Annie Potts Harry Crumb JO matz

EW makes my wet dreams cum tru by throwin Borat on their cover and droppin a pointless article about Pam Beasley, which include these two fine snappages [LJ-TO]

wishlist for my Nov 7th b-day: ChloEdgarL – the tee (XL peas), TO’s Little T Learns To Share, the George Foreman USB iGrill, plenty o Gay X-Rated Cakes [NSFW] & Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru, the special edition action figures

Iggy Pop’s concert rider, plastic seahorses need not apply

George Steinbrenner Fires Tigers

Why is coffee commonly referred to as a ‘cup of joe’?

Top 10 Weird Al Videos [Hisconsin]

free passes to Stoopid Cartoon: The Movie and Will Ferrell’s Adaptation

CoolPl8z, thatmakeme6

Font Designers

I Learned It By Watching You!‘ and yer Jim Crocheesed arsed mustache!!

watermelon special fruitcarving site

Dagen då larverna kom till Flogsta

Clark Sorensen’s Urinal Sculptures

and n’awlins saints be praised, cause the internets has come thru again! The Most/Best – Ghetto/Ass – crazy/beautiful – Local Commercial Ever, featuring two two children who cannot be bothered, that I’ve searched high and low and Hi & Lois‘ pants for has FRYNALLY been unearthed, ironically enuff by the very institute who created the commercial: Jhoon Rhee‘s school of Tae Kwon Do. This may not mass appeal to those not from the DC area, but I think you’ll enjoy it nonethebreast

pee es – we are proud to be the #1 result when intersleuthing for ‘bench mark brunell‘. Hopefully that’s Daniel Snyder doin that sleuthin cause maybe he’ll do juss that before Sunday’s game in Indy, where I will be on hand job root rootin for my boys, regardless of how stank a$$ they truly is


Mass DC Area Appeal

Who doesn’t love local ghetto commercials from the 80s? And if you lived in the greater metropolitan DC area, you were treated to some the breastest. While we still search the globe for the Citizen Kane of them all, the Jhoon Rhee ‘nobody bodder me’ one, YouTube has whet my whistle enuff with these fine babies, uploaded spankfully by jcz1978

Belmont TV

whatever you want
whatever it is
whatever you want


uh, oh, beware of men with
white headbands AND orange suspenders!!

Chesapeake Bay Seafood House

this is the most blatant case of fraudulent advertising
since my suit against the film, The Never-Ending Story

Tyson’s Toyota
featuring Jim Varney

before he got all campy

Popeyes Fried Chicken

this commerish probably started my path to heart attack city

Mr Ray’s Hair Weave

with additional hotness to be found on Johnny $’s Cents

btw, the Casablanca of local ghetto DC area commercials is the Theatervision one starring Skins hero Joe Jacoby. That one is still lost to the ages…

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