Tag Archives: Charles Ferguson

Ca$hed Bowl

Inside Job
The Numbers Don’t Add Up
Official Website | Trailers & Mo

Hey, were you aware that the US’ economy almost collapsed, but didn’t, but the poor still got even poorer and the rich still got even richer????  Of course you did and therefore you have no reason to see Charles Ferguson‘s doc (with narration by Matt Damon) that aims to set the record straight with the 5 Ws, but this thing hactually sets the record less straighter, and it’s also ratherz boringszz.  Boo!!  Mad boo, hispecially since Fergie’s No End In Sight helped to put the Iraq quagmire into much needed perspective.  BUT, if yer really hard up for bar graphs and watching interviewees squirm in their seats (why and how do these people allow themselves to be interviewed in the first place), then hire this Job.  Otherwise, take it and shove it

More Capital Ideas: skip Job and Netflix Capitalism: A Love Story or American Casino instead.  and if you really want yer eyes opened, do whatever you have to do to watch Collapse

Verdictgo: Sum Merit But No Stinkin Badges

Inside Job is currently playing in limited release

and until next thyme the balcony is clothed…


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