Tag Archives: Chris Rock

Remake-A-Wish Flounderation

Death At A Funeral
Dwarfed By The Original
Official Website | Trailers & Mo

Did you see Frank Oz’s Death At A Funeral?  If not, then you missed out one of the funniest films we’ve seen over the last decade, and if you know our history with modern comedies, you know we don’t throw around accolades like that very often.  And so, if you haven’t seen it, you must mus mustt musss musssk, especially if yer ever contemplating seeing the blackified remake (directed by white guy Neil LaBute) first

So what’s the difference between the two?  Nothing glaring, cept this capable cast, including Chris Rock (dude loves remakes), Tracy Morgan (more please!), Martin Lawrence (he so cra-zay!) , James Marsden (valiant try, but he’s no Alan Tudyk), Zoë Saldaña (more annoying here than hot), Keith David (not David Keith), Danny Glover (never too old for any shit, including taking one on screen), Luke Wilson (guess there was a break in his AT&T commercial shooting schedule) and Columbus Short (a poor or rich man’s Cuba Gooding Jr?), can’t deliver the funny quite like their British counterparts done did.  Therefore this film is completely unnecessary, herspecially considering that the original only came out 3 years ago.  Peter Dinklage is the only soul who got to reprise his meaty role, and if any goodness can be gleaned from this pointless remake, hopefully it was a big paycheck for a job well done for doing the same job twice

Hall Pass: Regina Hall is beyond thighlarious (see the Scary Movie movies for proof, even if the first two were duds), but we never thought about how fly she was until we started to think about how fly she is!!!!!!!

Verdictgo: Sum Merit But No Stinkin Badges

Death At A Funeral is currently not as good as the original at a theater near jews

and until next thyme the balcony is clothed…


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