Tag Archives: Edward Zwick

What In Josh Gad’s Name?

Love And Other Drugs
Parkinson’s & Ride
Official Website | Trailers & Mo

Edward Zwick can’t figure out if he wants his Love & Other Drugs to be a cheesy love story, an insider look at pushing prescription drugs, or a caring tale about living with Parkinson’s Disease.  You can’t have all 3 and make it work, and so it doesn’t, but at least we get to see plenty of Anne Hathaway‘s chest (somewhere the very un-Talented Mr Roto is buying stock in Kleenex and Jergens!!!) + Jake Gyllenhaal will always get a pass in our books for being a boy scout with honor in Zodiac.  As for Oliver Platt, he’s quite the go to annoying, chauvinist pig guy to cast in a role that requires it, no?  Good for him, even if his solid performances are always cringe-worthy.  But what about Josh Gad, who’s basically a younger model of Platt & his roles? First off, who the f#%k is this kid, and secondoff, why does he keep getting cast in movies?  We almost never wanna see a movie that he’s in ever again, solely cause that would mean we’d have to see him again.  Kid doesn’t deserve any love, and we’d need many other drugs if we have to bare with him againnnnnn

Cutie Pie McGee Round 2277643652: flick is loaded with hot, young, fresh, and hot talent, but we’re only gonna choose one to spotlight

meat Kate ‘Easy On The Eyes’ Easton!!

Verdictgo: Sum Merit But No Stinkin Badges

Love is currently something Other at a theater near jews

and until next thyme the balcony is clothed…


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