Tag Archives: Evan Peters

Truth Is Stranger Than Non-Fiction

American Animals
Doc Doc Good
Official Site | Trailers & Mo

R | 117 min

Not enough people see documentaries in theaters (for shame and FIVE shame) and I think director Bart Layton figured out how to change that course – you make a narrative film based on a true story, but you ALSO make it more of a true story by including the true people behind the true story IN the story you tell!  KnowwhatImean?

Seeing is believing in Layton’s American Animals, where fact and friction blur, and entertain the fcuk out of you in a tale of bad deeds gone purty darn bad.

Did you ever hear about the 4 college guys who tried to steal rare books from a Kentucky university library?  Yeah, me neither, but forget about hearing it – cause you need to SEE this!

Told through the mouths of the (sometimes contradicting) real life participants – Warren Lipka, Spencer Reinhard, Eric Borsuk and Chas Allen, and portrayed though the vesseles that are Evan Peters (one of our best), Barry Keoghan (guy has such a killer young resume), Jared Abrahamson (he seems so familiar and yet I have no idea who he is) and Blake Jenner (not one of those Jenners), Animals is the antidote to the anti-dope that (I’m sure, without seeing) Ocean’s 8 is.

For the price of admission – this movie is a STEAL!!!

Verdictgo: Breast In Show

Animals roar, currently in limited release and soon at a theater near jews and white nationalists

and until next thyme the balcony is clothed…

1 Comment

Please Be My X-Wife

X-Men: Apocalypse
Sophie Page Turner
Official Site | Trailers & Mo
PG-13 | 144 min

x-men apocalypse

Oh, hey – another superhero movie!  But ya know what?  I’ve come to the realization that out of ALL the superhero franchises in existence – I like the X-Men ones the most, and I’m not even really an X-Men kinda guy (my peeps are The New Teen Titans of the late 80s, early 90s).  I think I’ve liked or super-liked every single one of the X-Men movies, even the Brett Ratner one (but not really the solo Wolverine ones, which doesn’t make much sense as to why they aren’t so great, cause Hugh as Wolvie is SO great)

Well, this X-Men movie may not be perfect (Oscar Isaac‘s mummy resurrected bad guy was kinda cool, but the final battle vs him wasn’t so much), but I am on board with whatever this movie is.  Mainly cause…

they don’t let Olivia Munn talk! (she’s in an insult to actors everywhere who cannot get employed, while she is)

oliva munn x men

and Evan Peters as the super fast dude is STILL the fcuking BBBBBBBBBBBBBEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

x-men peter evans

but more importantester than ANYTHING… 

Sophie Turner is sooooooo SUPER fine, in leather, and not in leather

(I’m a sucker for redheads, in leather, and not in leather)

grey sophie tuener

sophie cxmen

sophie xmen2

sophie xmen

sophie grey

grey sophie

Verdictgo: Jeepers Worth A Peepers

X-Men is about to X-it theaters soon!

and until next thyme the balcony is clothed…


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