Tag Archives: Garbage Pail Kids

Havin’ A Gay Olde Thyme

ahhhhhhhhhhhh, the Maryland Renaissance Festival. a cherished and mos belovededed memory from our young squire dayzz. the games! the corny shows! the wooden swords! the people dressed-up like jack-a$$es! the turkey legs! is there anything besterer than this? ye thinks snot!!

sword is the word!

and yes, we were wearing ironic t-shirts
(this one was a Garbage Pail Kids tee)
as early as age 8!

it has been at least 22 years since we last wenteth, so we fingered that there’s no butter time than now to relive the chivalry for a day, and to all, a good KNIGHT!!

prepare thyself for some cheesy signage

those ticket taker maidens were ye hott!!

first stop


they may not have been as big as we remembered
but theys was certainly as delicious!

plus being able to drink ale and mead
makes it all even more funnereererrr!

don’t ya juss wanna bone this bone?

ET bone home!

where’s the HJs & Bjs from a Wench booth?

we woulda rather dunked this jester
with the lame headpiece instead

meat my new bestest friend

who’s offering mustache rides to the New World!

we don’t think there were many clowns in Medieval England

and if there were, they were probably crossbowed on site

damn this looks fun!

not drawn to SCALE

there’s plenty o’ lame entertainment happenings all day long

including a magician that looks like he
bought his tricks at Mario’s Magic Shop

and the lamest of the lame is the bible
themed ‘comedy’ of Hey Nunnie Nunnie

and their awful song ‘Constipated Men’

look at these merrimentors

who contract the black plague every time they make whoopie!

metal bras aren’t juss for Princess Leia

we’re actually wearing that cod piece as we type this!!

it goes w/o saying

so bring your pu$$y face to my a$$!

it was a privilege to return after all these years

and an honor to take a dump in the Privies

can’t wait for Harlem Renaissance Festival!!!


Thighs Like Us

the first movie ever targeted towards the dumb, deaf, and blind!!

– Don’t forget folks, what is sure to be the worst movie with the word ‘sleep’ in its title opens tomorrow!! And here’s one commercial you won’t find me in!!

– The lesbians duo formerly known as t.A.T.u. are off to London to record their next hot album. Meanwhile, 6-month pregnant Julia Volkova has quit smoking and using cosmetics for the sake of her baby’s health.

– I think someone’s been reading my mind cause these peoples be selling a mirror that will allow meself to watch meself giving meself a BJ!! [NSFW link via NSFW King, T “Fudgie” Alts]

– Our Thighs spies on the street spotted the Lohan at the Cali DMV the other day getting a new license. Supposedly, she had a personal assistant with her there trying to help her understand how to stand in line and be a normal person at the DMV. [Smut via Cef-dawg]

– Steve Gutenberg, your career aint over just yet. Plans are underway for an 8th Police Academy movie. Rest in peace Sgt. Eugene Tackleberry. [Good word via K-Pax-Man]

– What the Tim “Fudgie” Altie is this?

– Two plays I predict that will close after a week: a Monty Python Holy Grail musical and a Mario Cantone one-man show.

– Don’t let Michael Whoore tell you who to vote for. Just vote for the candidate who’d be the most helpful during a keg stand. [Link via the Thinker]

Va-va-voom has officially become a word. That’s so f-in metrosexual, but not really heteroflexible.

– Breast/wurst reality show idea ever: Amish & The City.

america loves shaved bush

– To hell with Garbage Pail Kids, cause Wacky Packages are back!!

– Just cause Ving Rhames is bald, doesn’t mean he’s Kojak. Does that mean he’ll be in an “urban” remake of Annie as Daddy Warbucks?

– In the world of fast food, its Steak n’ Shake vs Burger King for the use of the word “steakburger”, in a cage match to the death!! And a man was arrested after calling up an area McDougal’s and ordering the management to strip search and sodomize a female employee!! Hold the f-in tomato people!!! [Links via Flea’s Ho-Bag]

– Man arrested after he stole a 9-year-old’s socks.

– And the best headline of the day: A blind Canadian student barred from English classes because his guide dog only responds to commands in French has now been allowed to attend the course

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