Tag Archives: Gorillaz

A Fist Full of Blue Collars

Gran Torino
A Man Hmong People
Trailers & Mo | Official Website

Life. Death. Faith. Friendship. Family. Loyalty. Race relations. The economy. The ol’ American Way. Suburban decay. Doing the right thing. And even the Detroit Lions (sorta). All of these hot topics are flawlessly weaved into Gran Torino, Clint Eastwood‘s 30th film as a director, and what may ultimately be his final screen performance (SAY IT AINT SO!). In what is w/o question one of the bestest films of the year, GT may also be it’s mos funniest (eat your farts out Judd Apatow!). It’s also one of the finest fictional movies about the state of America today that we’ve seen in quite sum thyme… that happens to be hidden in the open of this vigilante street justice genre flick. Clint plays Walt Kowalski, a grizzled old Korean War vet (what a stretch!) who embodies the sarcastic loathing of Andy Rooney and the razor/racist sharp tongue of Archie Bunker (only Easty could make 7 zillion Asian stereotyped quips and not only get away with it, but make ya laff yer face off… unless yer name is Spike Lee). His wife’s recently passed on, his white neighbors have long since moved away and he doesn’t have much to look forward to, cept sittin on his porch sipping Pabst Blue Ribbon and indulging in any form of tobacco (hactually sounds like the good life to us!). He doesn’t want anything to do with his new immigrant neighbors… that is until his hand is (magnum) forced. Local gangs start harassing a defenseless boy and his sister (amateur, yet effective enuff performances by Bee Vang and Ahney Her) and Clint comes to their rescue. Each time he extends his sword, he lowers his shield and in turn starts to open his heart. He becomes more of a father figure to these kids than he had ever been to his own. It sounds like sum dang cheesy stuff, but lessthenone, the cheese works and tastes grrrrreat! So what about the car in the title? Juss another thing for us to give the film an accolade for: bestest use of a Gran Torino in a movie this century! Then again Starsky & Hutch wasn’t much competition in that category… although Gran Torino coulda been the greatesteest movie mt EVERest had it had Brande Roderick undressing

He Thought of Cars: the predecessor to the Ford Torino was the Ford Fairlane. The predecessor to the Gran Torino film is fortunately not The Adventures of Ford Fairlane. Maybe tis was Pink Cadillac?

Verdictgo: Breast In Show

GT is currently playing in NY/LA and will start expanding like crazy this Friday and even mo on Xmas

and until next thyme the balcony is clothed…

pee es – Clint, please don’t EVER die. wees don’ts want to think of what American cinema woulds bees w/o yous

pee es 2 – wonder what he thinks of the Gorillaz song named after him?

1 Comment


remember Peaches Records & Tapes?! didn’t think so, but we do! before our area had Tower Records, we had Peaches! they would display their records in peach crates! eat that crate and barrel and patrick crayton barrel! they used to give customers free record-shaped gum that came in a mini record sleeves! that was more awesome than flawesome’s creek! whatever that means!

Ben Kingsley’s a minor threat!

Seth MacFarlane’s Cavalcade of Cartoon Comedy, juss as unfunny as Family Guy or anything else that guy touches! please stop!

more Gorillaz!
maybe more Blur!
no more ProductShopNYC, wtf?!

the Stark Trek movie juss got a lil hotter!
anyone for a game of golf?!

Cardboard Box, Bath Mat, And Pinata!

Hulk Boobs smash! [Crusiespanko!]

Emma Rigby in an ugly bikini!

The 30 Worst Autobiography Pun Titles!

Sue Lyon!

Travis’ kissed the girl!

a moment of silence Harold Faltermeye’s Fletch theme in memory of Gregory McD! [Andre Dawson’s Sondaw!]

Armed & Topless! [NSFW!]

and looking for that perfect gift for that special someone that loves wearing hats that have crazy quotes that came from the lips of crazy football coaches?! then look no further than Dennis Green’s â„¢ed caps, including such classic phrases that payses like ‘They Are Who We Thought They Were‘ and ‘We Let Them Off The Hook‘! wanna know what’s off the hook?! these hats!!!

and this justin: MATT MILLEN, FINALLY FIRED!!



Showtime At The Apollo, On HBO

Chris Rock
Apollo Theater
September 12, 2008

the mos hilarious thing we encountered during the taping of Chris Rock’s new HBO comedy special Kill The Messenger at the famed Apollo Theater (saw two Gorillaz shows there back in the ’06) had nothing to do with comedian twat so ever. yes, his stand-up show was as funny as one rib, and even dough his material seemed about as fresh as Fresh Step® Litter (politics, white vs black, black vs white, black women, black everything), not a single soul could resist the comedic charms of the man who practically owns the words ‘f&ck’, ‘n$gger’ and ‘titties’. but like we said befloor, it wasn’t even close to topping the laughter caused by something else we saw before he even took to the stage. the audience in attendance that night appeared to be very Anglo-Saxon (probably a nice perk from working at HBO we guess) and some of them juss weren’t prepared for the unannounced sirprize warm-up act: Rakim (of ‘Eric B and’ fame). he got things going with a nice lil set of tunes we all know and love (with a lil DJing from Aaron LaCrate), but apparently hip-hop isn’t for everyone. some dude in the row in front of us, put his head down and covered his ears for the entirety of Rakim’s performance (think of him as a calmer version of the father from that Twisted Sister video). look, we’ve all been to shows with openers that made us want to slit our eyes and ears out and off (for us it was Marilyn Manson in ’94, opening for NIN), but c’mon pal, grow a pair. or at least get a lil soul, you ignorant bastage, even if you have to paint yerself black like Neil Diamond did in The Jazz Singer (a muss click)


Ten Things I Lynx I Lynx I Lynx Without An Atari Lynx

1) I lynx it’s time the Iggles part ways with Donovan McNabb. He gets injured every year and his back-ups always outshine him every time they get the chance to play. Had he played vs the Pats, melynx the score wouldn’t have been as close as it was. Other than that, it’s official, the Fins have been eliminated from the playoff picture. Wish the same was true about my Skins. I can’t deal with this stress week after weak. And yeah, I think it’s time for Joe to go. And yeah, please stop trying to kill Sean Taylor

2) I don’t lynx Mizzou will beat Oklahoma in the Big 12 Championship, but if they do, then what could stop them from winning it all? I sure hope they do, and I’m sure alums Brad Pitt and my mother do as well

3) I lynx big bidness should suffer instead of us consumers. Two big F-Us go out to Blu-Ray/HD-DVD and the NFL Network/Cable companies

4) If a Chinese restaurant doesn’t serve sesame chicken, I lynx they shouldn’t be allowed to call themselves a Chinese restaurant

5) I lynx Showtime’s Californication [NSFW] may be the real reason why boobs were invented

6) I lynx (as well as my bowling nia peoples) that three spares in a row should be called a ‘cornish game hen’ instead of a ‘chicken’

7) It may not be best collection of Damon Albarn b-sides goings, but I lynx the Gorillaz new D-Sides disc is still better than no sides at all. Plus the disc with all the remixes is tres fab

8) I lynx this is the biggest no-brainer of the year: Flight of the Conchords were named the 2007 Wellingtonians of the Year

9) I lynx it’s every human’s duty to make the pilgrimage to Graceland, at least once in their lifetime

10) I lynx all the hot ladies on my Kwanzaa list are gonna get some Aqua Dots this year

previously on my johnson:

Ten Things I Col Klink I Col Klink I Col Klink Without My Klinky Boots

Ten Things I Sphinx I Sphinx I Sphinx Without A Sphinxtor

Ten Things I Think I Think I Think Without A ThinkPad

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