Tag Archives: Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

Yes We Kao Kan

Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom‘s Lao Che is a beloved bad guy.  He always gave things a ‘nice try’, and often succeed in his tryings.  But what about his son Kao Kan (played by Ric Young)???  You may not know his name, but I know you know his game - dude is perhaps the happiest, most insane trigger-happy movie character of all time – and he should have won a special Oscar that year for his manic facial expressions.  Well, this may not be an Oscar, but his face-work greatness needs to be celebrated for eternity in gif form.  you’re welcome humanity…

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Short Round & Down The River


Bogart in The African Queen
AND Short Round in Temp o’Doom

are dressed exactly the same!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (mostly! sorta!)

well, they both definitely escape on rivers, sweat, get dirty, are tired, and are beyond way awesome!!!!

always time for love Dr Jones!! 7reals!


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