Tag Archives: Jeff Tremaine

Grumpy Old Zisman

Bad Grandpa
Prank You Very Much
Official Website | Trailers & Mo
R | 92 min

bad grandpa

Love me some Jackass movies.  Never want them to stop, ever (even if the bestest Jackasser of them all is dunn and gone).  If I can’t have a full on Jackass flick, I guess any  Jackassy joint is better than no puffing at all.  Well, that trio is back with Bad Grandpa, centered around the (not exactly my favorite) Knoxville as 86-year-old Irving Zisman character.  They loosely string together a bunch of pranks into a barely narrative road movie, complete with an rascally adorable grandson named Billy (for your Best Supporting Actor consideration – no joke - ).  Some of these pranks don’t eggzactly work, but others do, and well, and some REALLY DO, and VERY WELLLLLLL!!!

Bad Grandpa is no Jackass.  It’s definitely no Borat / Brüno.  It’s not even as bad-mannered as Bad Santa.  And that’s fine by me, cause Bad Grandpa is Bad Grandpa, and what that is – is a fcuking good time at the theater, although this rather un-cinematic film don’t necessarily need to be seen on the big screen – unless you enjoy the company of (nearly) endless uncomfortable laughter

Wait, do you want details from the movie?  The less known, the better, cause who wants to be in on the prank ahead of time?  Prank you very much

Verdictgo: Jeepers Mos Def Worth A Peepers

Grandpa is mad GOOD today at a theater near jews

grandpa crew

and until next thyme the balcony is clothed…

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