Tag Archives: John Requa

Not A Cigarette Smoking Story, But A Cock One

I Love You Phillip Morris
The Not So Fab Fab Life
Official Website | Trailers & Mo

Jack Abramoff’s story was too good to be true and too good to not be turned into a movie (and a doc too!).  Well, Jack’s got nothing on Steven Russell’s ins & outs, of jobs & jails, all in the name of love… of another man!!!  And so rightfully so, Steve-R gets his own big screen treatment by the Bad Santa writers and now first time directors Glenn Ficarra & John Requa, although it took its dang time getting to American screens.  Worth the wait?  Sure, why not. It’s kinda like a gay Catch Me If You Can In The Can!  Although it does ramble and amble at times, Jim Carrey is able to balance the yuks, the drama (he’s so good at it, and yet Hollywurst keeps em from it!!!) and the gayness while portraying such a complex character as Mr Russell is.  Throw in the super smiley Ewan McGregor as the loved Phil Morris, and you got yerself one mostly gay ole time!!

Good Vibrations: lead DeVotchka man Nick Urata scored the film, even turning one of his band’s songs, ‘I Cried Like a Silly Boy‘, into a breezy theremin instrumental mental theme song that goes by the name of ‘Faking Death’ [empee3]

Verdictgo: Jeepers Worth A Peepers

Phil Morris is currently getting sum Love in limited release

and until next thyme the balcony is clothed…


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