Tag Archives: Kenner

The Hottiest Kenner Action Figure EVERS!!!!!

OK, so she’s only 16, and related to a bunch of d-bags 



it’s true, Ms K-Jenner is the hottiest Kenner action figure EVERRRRRRRRRRS!!!!!!!  EAT IT LEIA!!!!


Missing In Action Figures

unused sculpt of a Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight action figure – Kenner, 1983

[RC Coola]

wonder if this is rarer than a wookie with boobs figure??


Wookiee Cutter

Wookiee boobs are just plain wrong AND also un-plain wrong

Around the time preceding the broadcast of the [Star Wars] Holiday Special, Kenner had in mind a line of toy tie-ins based on characters from the show. It was probably assumed that the Special would be much more successful than it was, and that kids would be clamoring for new toys from the TV show. In the end, Kenner wound up scrapping the whole thing, either because the show was a disappointment, or (according to a Tomart’s Action Figure Digest article) because the selling window was too small

However, at least a couple of items did make it to the drawing board or prototype stage – a complete set of the Chewbacca family action figures. Chewbacca was the standard Kenner figure, and the prototypes for Itchy and Malla were created by altering two more standard Chewbacca figures. The smaller figure of Lumpy was actually built around a Fisher Price family action figure, whose distinctive bent elbow pose can be seen in the photos.

In the end, Kenner technically produced no specifically Holiday Special-related products

[Star Wars Holiday Special via Retro & Rather]

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