Tag Archives: Kurt Raab


Welt am Draht (World On A Wire) is a 70s dystopian (OUR MOS FLAVORITE GENRE EVERSZZESSS!!!) German TV movie that’s 3.5 hours long.  it’s like A Clockwork Matrix Blade Running Alphaville from 1984 in Germany of the 70s present future or something!

juss watch the trailer, although the movie isn’t as crazy as the crazy trailer makes it out to be cause crazy craziness is crazy hard to maintain for 3.5 hours (that’s what she said), although that crazy old annoying computer noise is certainly crazy AND annoying!!!

but Rainer Werner Fassbinder‘s bindspelling (TV) movie is still some crazy-a$$ed crazed sh#t, and hella crazy German, and it may have indirectly invented Daft Punk or their helmets or something

but what didn’t invent Daft Punk or their helmets or something?


and these guys!!!

or this kick-a$$ amazing new re-release poster!!!

did we mention that Wire has nothing to do with Man On Wire, BUT has lots of orange & yellow colored-things, ghetto-arsed computers that yer dad used to use, minor German nudity, and more mirrors than Versailles????

Wire is coming to your World. check out the playdates for when & where

think we need to see some more of this Fassbinder guy’s stuffs.  he just jumped to #2 on our list of mos flavorite kinda binders of balls thyme, one spot behind Trapper Keepers!!!


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