Tag Archives: Lisa Whelchel

Rae of Light

Robin Thicke’s parents are Alan Thicke and Gloria Loring, and they (with Al Burton) wrote and sang the theme songs to ‘Facts of Life‘ and ‘Diff’rent Strokes‘!!!!!!


those two were so rockin’

Alan composed other themes – like one for ‘Wheel of Fortune‘, ‘Joker’s Wild‘, ‘Celebrity Sweepstakes‘ and for something called ‘The Wizard Of Odds‘.  dude is a wizard 4 sho

anywho, Loring was on some Hallmark channel talk show called ‘Home & Family’ to celebrate Mrs Garrett/Charlotte Rae turning 90 this year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  AND THE WHOLE LOVE FEST WAS THE MOST TOUCHING 2 HOURS I’VE SPENT IN AWHILE (that didn’t include touching my wife or myself)  

look at who swung by and skyped to say hello & we love you Mrs G!!!!

Tootie! Willis! Blair!!!!!!!!!!!!

todd bridges mrs g

purple haired-Cohn!!

mindy mrs g

Molly, pretty in black!!!

molly mrs g

Jo via skype!!!!!

jo facts of l;ife

Blair’s cousin Geri!!!!!!!

geri mrs g


george mrs g]

it was the first time Gloria met the cast!!!!!!!!


Mrs G has seen it all – the invention of TV, man walking on the moon, the rise of Alan Thicke’s theme song writing skills, and selfies (sorta)

mrs g

long live Charlotte Rae (and the Eastland School for Young Women ladies)!!!!!!!!!!!

facts of life


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