Tag Archives: Loving

Jungle Low-Grade Fever

If Loving You Is Wrong
Official Site | Trailer & Mo
PG-13 | 123 min


Anyone can (basically) get married to anyone in this day & age!  Hooray humanity!

As you know, that was not always the case – not even that long ago, and for white folks marrying black folks, that was definitely not the case in some states of THESE United States of America only 49 years ago!  FORTY-NINE YEARS!?!?!?!??!!

Woah!  WTF USA???

But one Virginia couple’s interracial nuptials set the wrong finally right, when the state said FCUK NO to them, but the Supreme Court said, Virginia – FCUK YOU, and to the couple – FCUK YEAH!!! (and fcuk on, as you please)

The case - Loving v. Virginia – changed everything, but the Jeff Nichols‘ movie about the case and the Loving couple (what a perfect name, eh??) – Mildred (Ruth Negga) and Richard (Joel Edgerton), didn’t really change my world.  Yes, their story is worth telling, but I didn’t really LOVE it.  It was actually kind of boring.  And to be honest, I know the characters get married cause they love each other and they tell us that they love each other, but there didn’t seem to be much love going round in the movie.  Hanson once sang ‘Where’s The Love?  It’s Not Enough!’.  Dude, seriously, where’s the love?  And dude, where’s my czar?

The performances are fine and all - Edgerton keeps his bleached-blonde head down the entire time, and Negga‘s bright eyes are always smiling, not matter what heap of sh!t is heaped upon them, but neither are worth writing home about.  When I wrote my mom a letter after seeing movie, I didn’t even mention their performances!!  

And look, I like seeing comedians in dramatic roles, but Nick Kroll, as a novice lawyer helping the couple, was more distracting than helpful.  He seemed to mold his character and acting style based on the ‘I think he stole his wallet‘ guy from Back To The Future II  – Lester!  And if you’ve seen BTTF2, you know that’s not a compliment


Verdictgo: high end Sum Merit But No Stinkin Badgers

Loving has a thin heartbeat a theater near jews & white nationalists

and until next thyme the balcony is clothed…

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