Tag Archives: Matthew McConaughey

Robert Stacked

When it comes to reenactments, Unsolved Mysteries is boss, and in some circles, hogg as well! No one knows this better than Matthew McConaughey, who’s first ever credited screen role was that of an UM murder victim. Some, such as myself, Gene Shalit and Alan Greenspan, agree that it’s not only his finestestest work to date, but his mos bravestestest as well. Why? Well, McCon’s thespiatic worktatude worktatuded such magics and wonders that it lead to the capture of the real-life murderer! Behold said thespiatic worktatude, in handy animated gif form!


Watch the UM ep in fool: Part 1 | Part 2

Nothing (besides Frank Silva) gave this overweight slothened teenager more heebies jeebies in the early 90s like UM. So, like the Thigh Mizzle himself, why don’t you buy, rent, or even lease with an option to buy the following fee-nom-e-nole DVD box sets

Heebie jeebies > The Bee Gees eating Jujubes


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