Fantastic Mr Fox
It’s Dahl Good
Trailers & Mo | Official Website

Post-Royal Tenenbaums, Wes Anderson kept trying to make something different, but basically kept making baum clones, one on the high seas and the other in India. It pained us to do so, but after the limited Darjeeling Limited we had purty much given up on the cutesy world of WA. Enuff was certainly enuff (esp the overuse of Owen Wilson), but with his adaptation and interpretation of Roald Dahl‘s Fantastic Mr Fox, enuff has become A-OK again, at least for the time being. Fox is culled from the same Andersonian bag of tricks and thrift store DIY, yet since it was presented in a whole new fashion, stop-motion animation (which we usually cannot stand), what was once olde suddenly feels purty darn new again. Not only has the fun returned, but the radness as well. Instant karma and kudos to you Mr Anderson
Fox is slain and pimple, a pure delight, for young and especially old. It’s briskly paced, as not a single moment of action or dialog is wasted, and before you know it, not much has even transgressed, cept a giant smile that has been perma-fried to your face (we dare you to walk out of the theater w/o one). The voice work if obviously fine (George Clooney, Meryl Streep, Jason Schwartzman, Bill Murray, Wallace Wolodarsky, Eric Chase Anderson… Wes’ bro, Michael Gambon, Willem Dafoe, Owen Wilson… duh, and Jarvis Cocker!!!!!!!!!!!!!), but the real attraction here is the world Anderson has created for these furry lil creatures to steal chickens, rile humans and dig deep holes in. His over-does-it-on-the-details manner hits high marks here, so the only question is, where does he go from here? Hopefully not Royal Tenenbaums IV: Tenenbaums In Space with Owen Wilson as the kooky commander!
Contemporary cool-kid Spike Jonze’ own childhood flight of fancy, Where The Wild Things Are, was equally as wondrous, but too much of a mind-melt for repeat viewings and future enjoyment. Same is spankfully not true of Fox, which will forever and 5ever have a place on everyone’s shelf, right next to Disney’s Robin Hood, which, if you didn’t know, is the single greatetssttetsststststststst kids flick of BALLLLLLSSSS THYME!!!! It is, juss ask us, who have 387372382 degrees in what is amazingzzzz and whatsszz is not
Foxy Lady: never 5get the fantastic Ms Fox, as in Samantha, cause she always wanted to have some fun and we always wanted to touch her body

if the interwebs were around when she was hitting it big, she woulda hit it even bigger cause everyone woulda been hitting theirs shafts with them NSFW pics abound!
Verdictgo: Breast In Show
Fox is currently holing it up in NY & LA only, but will soon hit up a theater near jews
and until next thyme the balcony is clothed…