Tag Archives: Tara Reid

Mena Surfin’ Suvari, 9ever

American Reunion
Help End American Pie Unemployment
Official Website | Trailers & Mo
R | 113 min

You either want to see a movie reunion of the American Pie cast or you don’t.  If you do, you’ll be rewarded with pretty much exactly what you expected + with probably more laffs than you expected to laffs (more funnier than Hangover II).  If you don’t want to see it, then you are un-American Pie.  We pity these actors, because they are good actors and they don’t work all that often.  We also pity Tara Reid.  Poor girl [NSFW]. These people need money, and we should give them our money because we love these people.  Plus Stifler is genuinely a great movie character, 9999 zillions times more so than Mr Chow or any role Ken Jeong plays could ever is be.  9reals.  Seriously, 11reals

Cobrin Bursome & Then Some: we wants us a piece of …

Ali Cobrin

Verdictgo: Jeepers Worth A Peepers

American Reunsion is what it is SO DEAL WITH IT, at a theater near jews

and until next thyme the balcony is clothed…

1 Comment

Jeremy Shocking

Tara Reid Admits Her Breasts Are Fake

No word on if she has any brain activity

• Peace the fork out Walter Reed Medical Center

• Genius to team up with Genius. Effin genius!

• Natalie Portman prepares to play Mr T

• Falkor Barton falls for a Kim Thayil wannabe

• HRT the IIIrd ready to unleash the greatestist smelling mace

• New Fugees single in a fortnight + a 1/2 a fortnight?

• Samurai Armstrong proves there’s life after superjews Seth Cohen AND Ari Gold [via ASF]

• Charlotte Church’s choir director sentenced to 20 years in prison

• Could a new polo resort in Indio force Coachella to move elsewhere?

• Jack White would like to buy the world a Coke. Meg, a Faygo.

• Bjork ready to get her skeletons swan dress outta her closet

• What shines yer balls more? The news of new Lebowski DVDs, one version complete with a bowling towel and drink coasters, or the fact that the Dude is ready to roll another 10 frames, if only the Coen Bros oil the lanes? Well both are betterer than talks of Old School 2… unless it’s 90 minutes of this.

• Menupix, pix of menus from the NYC, SF, and BOS areas. I know it’s legit cause they have a the menu from my mos flavorite $4 Cubano sangwhich place

• The Human Zoo

• What did people use before toilet paper was invented?

• The only watch I’d consider wearing: Atari’s limited edition Asteroids watch [via Dr Falada]

• And big ups to my man main Raykwan the Chef (the monkey in the middle) who is on his way to becoming a full on JAG-off. Good to see the military can spend zillions on things that go boom in the night, but not a cent to update their Gomer Pyle/John Kerry unies.


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