too many reviews to do this week, so lettuce do sum short & sweet ones…
The Girl Who Played With Fire
(Flickan Som Lekte Med Elden)
We Wouldn’t Care If She Were Playing With Poop,
Cause We’d Show Up To Watch Her Play With Anything!!!
Official Website | Trailers & Mo

Lisbeth Salander(/Noomi Rapace) is our hem flicka. That’s ‘homegirl’ loosely translated into Swedish, which is the kind of fish you’ll be sleeping with if you don’t agree or don’t know what we’re talking bout. If you saw (or read) The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo then yer a wise person already on the right track. If you haven’t, stop reading this, start that and then come back and start reading this again. Actually skip reading this and go see the mighty slow-burned AND high-octaned (AT THE SAME TIME!!) sequel The Girl Who Played With Fire. It is The Empire Strikes Back to Tattoo‘s Star Wars, for many reasons, and most that we can’t talk about, but none involve lightsabers!!!! Plus this new one has this dude named Micke Spreitz playing the Swedish version of Jaws from James Bond and he will not be stopped!!! And even though Michael Nyqvist make us want to take Nyquil-vist, we still love him and root for him and wants him to bag the mosquitoed-chested Lisbeth over and over!! Cause if he has a chance with her, we all do!!! Can’t wait for the Hornet’s Nest!!!!!!!! And then (no, not Zardoz) to see Fincher’s take on Stieg Larsson‘s matz!!!!
A Girl‘s Girl: Â she may not have a fire… crotch, but our girl plays with the radiant Yasmine Garbi!!!

Verdictgo: Breast In Show
Jean-Michel Basquiat:
The Radiant Child
Not The SAMO© Shiz
Official Website | Trailers & Mo

Jean-Michel Basquiat was an artist. You may have heard of him. Julian Schnabel made his brilliant directorial debut with a film about him called… Basquiat. Mike D’s wife and Billy Madison director Tamra Davis was friends with Jean-Michel. She filmed him doing his art and once interviewed him talking about stuff AND things. This interview sat untouched in her drawer for 20 years. Cut to NOW! And now she felt the time was right to make a doc about him, including this footage. This doc is purty straightforward, but purty darn good, especially if you want to see what Fab Five Freddy looks like without sunglasses!!!! Basquait should not be confused with Bisquik
The SAMO© Shiz: photos of J-MB(and crew)’s early work in graffiti
Verdictgo:Â Jeepers Worth A Peepers
Winter’s Bone
Haters of the Lost Ozarks
Official Website | Trailers & Mo

Jennifer Lawrence looks like Renee Smellweger, but acts betters than her in Debra Granik‘s Winter’s Bone, which is like Frozen River, but not as good cause most of Winter’s Bone is Lawrence asking the same question (‘you seen my daddy?‘ 32928282 times, and sometimes to the same person twice). And sorta speaking of Melissa Leo, she could have played every role in Winter’s Bone, cept for maybe John Hawkes‘sszz, but maybe the two should mate and have children that could play white trash peoples to a T for future genetations!
Mad Fly: remember Ozark Air Lines? probably not, unless you ever flew to or outta the STL
Verdictgo: low end Jeepers Worth A Peepers
all three flicks are currently playing in limited release
and until next thyme the balcony is clothed…