Creative Casting
Fighter Hayabusa aint got nuttin on ya King! |
– Peter Jackson has tapped Jack Black to co-star alongside Naomi Hotts in his remake of King Kong. Anything with “ong” is so cool: Mahjong, Long Duck Dong, Pong, Donkey Kong, and King Corn Karn (no “ong”, but close enuff) from Nintendo’s Pro Wrestling.
– While on the telly-side of things, Simpsons mastermind Matt Groening will finally make an appearance on his own show, during the April 4th episode. But why now? The series has hit the wall. Its like reading those last few years of Gary Larson’s The Far Side, where there were more smiles than laughs. Danny Boy, a friend of mine, sez they should have one final season where all the past writers get one episode a piece to pen. Conan, we need you, in this, our darkest hour!!