Witness The Fitness

We all have goals in life. Some of us want to be rich, other famous, some just want to receive hand jobs all day long, but me, I just want to post a 300 game in bowling… and receive hand jobs all day long. I’m more likely to date the Lohan than complete that feat. But whilst I was back in me ye olde stomping grounds (MoCo, Merryland), with fellow Lebowski Fest Achievers Joe E Tartar and RayKwan the Chef vs. Meth (The Hof of the Nads was absent), and the rest of the Poon-Tang Clan, My Man Marvkus, Guns ‘n’ Rosenthal, and Big Ben-haus in tow, I bowled the game of my f-in life. 231. I marked in 8 frames, and at one point, had 6 strikes in a row. A double turkey. So Gobble Gizzle. And I probably will never get higher than that. Unless I’m back in Amsterdam drooling all over myself and their special pancakes. Anywho, here’s the proof.

i was throwing more rocks than Donnie

I knew I didn’t get an A+

in bowling at IU for nuttin

Pee es – RayKwan the Chef finished up with a 200 in the same game. Peanuts to my 231 though. I’m turning pro.

Pee es 2 – Here’s a video clip of the TV screen after hitting me 5th strike in a row. Notice “Love Shack” playing in the background.

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