Tits Lohan’s WorldWe Juss Masserbase In It
Who cares about trashola Britney anymore now that she’s all married and stizz? Well, I know some people still do, but lettuce focus our attention on the real deal holythighs: Lindsay Morgan Lohan.
– Her Royal Thighness is dying to duet with Eminem and word has it that he really wants to meet her. I hear she also wants to duet with me, but my schedule’s a lil too hectic at the moment. Speaking of her ‘music’ career, she’s having issues on how to present her image. C’mon Lohandjob, alienate yer younger fans and dress as slutty as possible!
– Roman Lohanski thinks Heinz ketchup is ‘Burger-licious’. Boy would I love to stick my meat in between her buns. Did I just type that out loud?
– The Mean Girls DVD takes on the Star Wars Box Set at stores tomorrow. Either way my pause and slow-mo buttons will be broken by week’s end. Gotta love Leia’s metal bra or this website dedicated to it.
– Mrs Thigh Master to grace the cover of next month’s GQ.
– LL, who ROX, was heavily teased as a child cause of her red hair and freckles. Now she does all the teasing. And I’d like to bovs her f-in teesings.
– And Frecklejuicy’s infamous nip slip, from a few moths back, made the back pages of this month’s Playboy. Hopefully in a few years, she’ll be gracing the front of it. [via McCrabbypants]