Dr Christmas Jonesing

Lowest IQed Couple Call It Quits!!! Yep, pregnant Denise Richards filed for divorce from Charles Sheen!!! No word as to why, but I think she wants to run away with her new boyfriend, become a pilot, and fight the giant insects of Klendathu.

why am i employed?

Steve Hartman should be arrested for not being funny.

Her Former Royal Thighness speaks out about being a party girl: ‘I’m not going to deny the fact that I’ve tried pot. I hated it. But I’ve never tried cocaine.’ I believe you LL.

Paris painting a nekkid Nicky. [sorta NSFWness via ONTD]

– Is Steve Martin the new Tony Randall?

– Will Smith be hatin’ on breasts.

– Moby, the teacher. Now he can put people to sleep with his music AND his words.

– Don’t even try to put one of these words or phrases on a personalized jersey from the NFL shop you Ass Clown! Thankfully ‘Your Name’ is eggceptable… which is what the Thigh Master has on the back of his Redskins jersey. [via Johnny Dollar Bill$$$]

Fingerbootyology [via MetaFiltz]

What people’s desktops look like

The Free Front Blog

More Yahoo! 10 Year B-Day Fun!

– Best blog I’ve seen in awhile: Blink O Rama [via Zach de la Roachclip]

– Looking for the perfect St Patty’s Day gift? Bid on one of Tawny Peaks’ breast implants.

– And juss in case u were wondering, this is what HRT II’s autograph looks like. But something tells me you’all be too busy looking at the lightbulbs in the background.

U, light up my life and my penis
[via UseMyComputer]

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