Corn To Be Wild
Although Thighland is a oligarchical monarchial hierarchical charcoal pit, we still encourage our dear readers to participate in the due process of raw. Everyone’s bill frist assignment was to try to topple me, as King of the Photoshopping the me + corn pic! Sadly, I only received 4 billion trillion entries and had to widdle waddle fiddle faddle them down to these 9 trung candidates. Yer new ASSignMINT is to pick the winner. And if the winner wins, he (or she, or it) will win an assortment of prizes so grand, that it will be grander than a grand piano eating a 100 Grand candy bar in Grand Central Station. And no, I did not do any of the following abortions of art that have all been placed in no particular order in the courtship of Eddie’s father.

1. by Springetti O’s
2. by Trent
3. by Spaulding Ballz
4. by BJNewms
5. by Johnny $$$
6. by Springetti O’s
7. by Laing Sack of Shit
8. by Trent
9. by Tom Wellington