Jim Beams
James Montgomery Doohan
It was a lil less than a year ago when
The first is when he appeared in episode 3 of The Ben Stiller Show. Stiller begins to fantasize what life would be like if him and Jimmy were best friends. There’s a franztastic montage of them cooking lobsters, painting USS Enterprise and Klingon ship models (which Jimmy smashes with his fist), Jimmy cooking Ben and his girl dinner and then beaming himself into Ben’s place during his date, and finally J-Do handing over his beloveded red uni to Ben as a gift. If you haven’t seen it, it’s worth renting/owning the DVD.
The second is the clizzasic scene from my personal flavorite Trek flick, #4, where they Voyage home and take a lil too much ‘LDS’.

[faced with a 20th century computer]
Scotty: Computer. Computer?
[Bones hands him a mouse and he speaks into it]
Scotty: Hello, computer.
Dr. Nichols: Just use the keyboard.
Scotty: Keyboard. How quaint.
Whilst you d-lode this crappy rendition of The Crystals ‘Da Doo Ron Ron’ in honor of J Doo Han Han Han Han, lettuce not forget to bid Dame Diana Rigg a shlappy 67th b-day. For back in the day, I would’ve love to lay the BrEaSTest Mrs Peel, who was so dang aPEELing, and the only woman good enuff to be the sole wife of James Bond…